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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Homogeneization PDE; Grigory Panasenko; Mathematical modeling of heterogeneous media

The central research direction is concearned with homogenization of partial derivatives equations PDE and mathematical modeling of heterogeneous media. From mathematical point of view it is an asymptotic study of PDEs with rapidly oscillating coefficients or boundaries; from mechanical point of view this asymptotic analysis is applied to the mathematical modeling of composite materials, lattice structures, industrial installations, frames, heterogeneous plates and rods, porous media.

Main research topics are
  1. Homogenization of PDE's.
  2. Asymptotic analysis of equations stated in thin domains. Method of asymptotic partial domain decomposition.
  3. Mathematical modeling of heterogeneous media, composite materials and structures.
  4. The complementary research topics are :
  5. Stabilization theorems for elliptic PDE's in unbounded domains.
  6. Mathematical modeling in non-linear acoustics.
  7. Asymptotic and numerical methods for integral equations of radiative stellar transfer.

The main results are :
  1. Construction of boundary layer theory for composite materials. First publication was in 1976, main results in 1976-1979; Chapter of the book [1].
  2. Asymptotic analysis of composite materials with the great difference of physical properties of components. First publication was in 1980, main results in 1980-1984, 1988, 1995; Chapter of the book [1]; invention [165].
  3. Asymptotic analysis of lattice (skeletal) structures and rod structures, heterogeneous rods and plates. First publication was in 1981, main results in 1981-1984 (random structures, L-convergence), 1985 (heterogeneous plate), 1991 (heterogeneous rod), 1992 (elastic lattice structurs and rod structures) 1995 (shape design),1997 (Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations), Chapter of the book [1]; large reviews [31],[36],[41]; book [2]
  4. Proposition of new method of asymptotic partial decomposition of domain and its application in homodynamics. First publication was in 1996, main results in 1996-2000; Chapter of book [2]; review [49].
Among the results obtained during last years there are:
  • Construction of multicomponent macroscopic models for composite materials with great contrast of physical characteristics of components.
  • Development of asymptotic and numerical methods for equations stated in thin domains.
  • Algorithm and code OPTIFOR of shape optimization for rod structures.
  • Asymptotic analysis of the non-linear acoustics in stratified media : KZK and Burgers equations, high frequency approximation..
  • Partial homogenization. Semi-discrete models.


  1. Bakhvalov N.S., Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization: Averaging processes in periodic media." Nauka, Moscow,1984(in Russian); English transl.,Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London,1989.
  2. Panasenko G.P. "Multi-Scale Modelling for Structures and Composites" Springer 2005.
  4. Landis E.M., Panasenko G.P."A theorem on the asymptotics of solutions of elliptic equations with coefficients periodic in all variables except one". DAN SSSR,1977, 235, 6(in Russian); English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl.,1977,18,4,1140-1143.
  5. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotics of high order of solutions of equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients." USSR Dokl.,1978,240,6,1293-1296(in Russian); English transl. in Soviet Math.Dokl.,1979.
  6. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotics of high order of solutions of the contact problem for periodic structures." Math. Sb.,1979,110, 4,505-538(in Russian); English transl. in Math. USSR Sb.,1981,38.
  7. Karabutov A.A., Lapshin E.A., Panasenko G.P., Rudenko O.V., "The generating of powerfull pulses of the lazer heating of a surface. ", Numerical Methods and Software, 31,1979, 174-183 (in Russian).
  8. Karabutov A.A., Lapshin E.A., Panasenko G.P., Rudenko O.V., Vasiljeva O.A. "On the evolution of the intensive pulses for finite Reunold's number", Moscow University Vestnik , ser.3,1979,3,77-81 (in Russian).
  9. Landis E.M., Panasenko G.P." On a variant of a theorem of the Phragmen-Lindeloff type for elliptic equations with coefficients that are periodic in all variables except one." Trudy seminara I.G.Petrovskogo, Moscow, Moscow University Publ.,1979,105-136(Russian).
  10. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotics of solutions and eigenvalues of elliptic equations with strongly variable coefficients", USSR Dokl.,1980,252,6,1320-1325(in Russian).English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl.,1980.
  11. Panasenko G.P. "Averaging periodic structures with well- conducting inhomogenities", Moscow University Vestnik, ser.15,1980,3,4-11(in Russian).
  12. Panasenko G.P. "The principle of splitting of an averaged operator for a nonlinear system of equations in periodic and random skeletal structures." USSR Dokl.,1982,263,1 (in Russian); Soviet Math. Dokl.,1982,25, 2, 290-295 (English translation).
  13. Iosif'jan G.A., Oleinik O.A., Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic expansion of a solution of the system of elasticity theory with periodic, rapidly oscillating coefficients. " DAN SSSR 1982,226,No 1,18-22(in Russian). English transl. Soviet Math. Dokl.,1982,26,No 2,290-294.
  14. Iosif'jan G.A., Oleinik O.A., Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic expansion of a solution of the system of elasticity theory in perforated domains. " Mat. Sborn.,1982,120, No 1,22-41 (in Russian). English transl. in Math. USSR Sbornik, 1983.
  15. Panasenko G.P. "Averaging processes in frame constructions with random properties." Zh.Vych.Mat.Mat.Fiz.,1983,23,No5, 1098-1109(in Russian). English USSR Comput. Maths. Math.Phys.,1983,23,No5,48-55.
  16. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization processes in lattice structures." Math. Sb.,1983,122,2,220-231(in Russian). English translation in Math. USSR Sbornik.
  17. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of fields in composite materials with high modulus reinforcement." Vestnik Moscow University, ser.15,1983, No 2,20-27 (in Russian).
  18. Oleinik O.A., Panasenko G.P., Yosifian G.A. "Homogenization and asymptotic expansions for solutions of the elasticity system with rapidly oscillating periodic coefficients." Aplicable Analysis,1983,15,1-4,15-32.
  19. Panasenko G.P. "Strength of spatially reinforced composite materials." Vestnik Moscow University, ser.15,1983, No 2,20-27 (in Russian).
  20. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotics of eigenvalues of elliptic equations with strongly variable coefficients", Trudy seminara Petrovskogo, Moscow, Moscow University Publ.,1987,202-217(Russian).
  21. Panasenko G.P., Reztsov M.V. "Averaging the 3-D elasticity problem in non homogeneous plates."USSR Dokl,1987,294,5, 1061-1065(in Russian); English transl. in Soviet Math.Dokl., 1987,35,3,630-636 .
  22. Panasenko G.P. "Numerical solution of cell problems in averaging theory." Zh.Vyc.Mat.i Mat.Fis.(ZVMMF),1988,28, 281-286.(in Russian) English transl. USSR Comput.Maths. Math.Phys.,1988,28,No1,183-186.
  23. Bakhvalov N.S., Eglit M.E.,Panasenko G.P.,Shtaras A.L. "Numerical-asymptotic methods" in "Asymptotic Methods in Mathematical Physics", Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1988,18-28 (in Russian).
  24. Bakhvalov N.S., Panasenko G.P.,Shtaras A.L. "Method of homogenization of partial derivatives equations" in " Modern Problems of Mathematics", 34,1988 .(in Russian), English transl. in Encyclopedia of Mathematics, 34, Partial Differential equations V. Asymptotic Methods for Partial Differential Equations. M.V.Fedoryuk (Ed.) Springer-Verlag , 1998, pp 211-238.
  25. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of processes in strongly non-honogeneous media", USSR Dokl.,1988,298,1,76-79 (in Russian). English Soviet Phys. Dokl.,1988,33.
  26. Panasenko G.P. "Multicomponent homogenization of processes in strongly non-homogeneous structures." Math.Sb.,1990, 181,1,134-142(in Russian); English transl. in Math.USSR Sbornik ,1991,69,1,143-153.
  27. Panasenko G.P. "Numerical-asymptotic method of multicomponent homogenization of equations with contrasting values of coefficients." Zh.Vyc.Mat.i Mat.Fis.(ZVMMF),1990,30, No 2,134-142 (in Russian). English transl. by PLENUM USSR Comput.Math . Math.Phys.
  28. Kozlova M.V., Panasenko G.P."Homogenization of the 3- elasticity problem in non-homogeneous rod." Zh.Vyc.Mat. Mat.Fis.,1991,10,1592-1596(in Russian). English transl. by PLENUM in Journal of Computing Math. and Math. Physics USSR.
  29. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic solutions of the elasticity theory system of equations for lattice and skeletal structures." Math.Sb.,1992,183,1,89-113 (in Russian). English transl. by AMS in Russian Acad. Sci. Sbornik Math. 75 (1993), no 1, 85-110.
  30. Panasenko G.P. "Averaged system of equations of the theory of elasticity in a medium with weakly compressible inclusions." Math. Zametki, 1992, 51,1,126-133 (in Russian), English transl. by PLENUM pp.81-86.
  31. Panasenko G.P., Saint Jean Paulin J. "An asymptotic analysis of junctions of elastic non-homogeneous rods: Boundary layers and asymptotic expansions. " Journal of Computing Math. and Math. Physics (Zh. V.M. i M.F.) USSR, 1993, 33, n. 11, pp. 1693-1721.
  32. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic analysis of bar systems.I", Russian Journal of Math. Physics, v.2, No 3, 1994 , pp. 325-352.
  33. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenisation of the system of equations of motion of a viscous fluid in a porous medium",J. Applied Maths and Mechs , vol. 59, No 2, 1995, pp.321-324.
  34. Panasenko G.P." L-convergence and optimal design of rod structures" C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t. 320, S\'erie I, 1995, pp. 1283-1288.
  35. Gnélécoumbaga S., Panasenko G.P."On the problem of contact of highly conductive and perforated domains " C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t. 321, S\'erie I, 1995, pp. 809-815.
  36. Panasenko G.P."Multicomponent homogenization of the vibration problem for incompressible media with heavy and rigid inclusions" C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t. 321, S\'erie I, 1995, pp. 1109-1114.
  37. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic analysis of bar systems.II", Russian Journal of Math. Physics, v.4, No 1, 1996, pp. 87-116.
  38. Lapshin A.E., Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic analysis of the solution of Dirichlet's problem for Poisson's equation posed in periodic lattice-like domain", Vestnik Moscow University, ser. Math.Mech., N 5, 1995, pp.43-50 English version in Publ. de l'Equipe d'Analyse Numerique Lyon - Saint Etienne, No 192, 1995, 10 pp.
  39. Lapshin A.E., Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic expansion of the solution of Dirichlet's problem for Poisson's equation posed in non-periodic lattice-like domain", Trudy seminara I.G.Petrovskogo, vol. 19,1995. English version in Publ. de l'Equipe d'Analyse Numerique Lyon - Saint Etienne, No 195, 1995, 10 pp.
  40. Bakhvalov N.S., Panasenko G.P., Eglit M.E. "Effective properties of constructions and composites with inclusions in the form of walls and bars." Computing Math. and Math. Physics ( Zh. Vychisl. Mat.Fiz.) , 1996, Vol 36, No 12, pp. 73-79
  41. Lapshin E.A., Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of the equations of high frequency nonlinear acoustics", C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t. 325, S\'erie I, 1997, pp. 931-936.
  42. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of lattice-like domains: L-convergence". Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and their Applications College de France Seminar. Ed. D.Cioranescu and J.L.Lions, v.XIII, 1998, Longman (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 391), pp. 259-280
  43. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition of domain", Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences , v. 8, No 1,1998, 139-156.
  44. Chiheb R., Cioranescu D., El Janati A., Panasenko G.P. "Structures r\'eticul\'ees renforc\'ees en \'elasticit\'e," C .R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 326, S\'erie I, 1998, pp. 897-902
  45. Chiheb R., Panasenko G.P. " Optimization of finite rod structures and L-convergence", Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, v.4, no.2, 1998, pp.273-304
  46. Panasenko G.P."Asymptotic expansion of the solution of Navier-Stokes equation in a tube structure ", C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t. 326, S\'erie IIb, 1998, pp. 867-872
  47. Panasenko G.P."Partial asymptotic decomposition of domain: Navier-Stokes equation in tube structure ", C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, t. 326, S\'erie IIb, 1998, pp. 893-898
  48. Badea A., Carasso C., Panasenko G. "A model of a homogenized cavity corresponding to a multinozzle droplet generator for continuous ink-jet printers" Numer. Methods in Partial Differential Eq., v.14, 1998, pp. 821-842
  49. Gnelecoumbaga S., Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic analysis of the problem of contact of a highly conducting and perforated domains." Computing Math. and Math. Physics ( Zh. Vychisl. Mat.Fiz.) , 1999, v.39, no 1, pp.70-86, English translation pp.65-80
  50. Kozlov, S. M. and Panasenko, G. P. "The effective thermoconductivity and shear modulus of a lattice structure: an asymptotic analysis", in: Homogenization, Eds : V. Berdichevsky, V. Jikov, G. Papanicolaou, World Sci., 1999, pp. 65-91.
  51. Panasenko G.P."Asymptotic partial decomposition of variational problems", C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 327, S\'erie IIb, 1999, pp. 1185-1190.
  52. Blanc F., Gipouloux O., Panasenko G., Zine A.M. " Asymptotic Analysis and Partial Asymptotic Decomposition of the Domain for Stokes Equation in Tube Structure, " Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 1999, Vol.9, 9, 1351-1378.
  53. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition of rod structures", International Journal of Computational, Civil and Structural Engineering (Begel House Publ.) 2000, Vol.1, No 2, pp.57-70.
  54. Panasenko G.P., Lapshin E.A. "Homogenization of high frequency nonlinear acoustics equations" , Applicable Analysis an International Journal, Vol.74 (3-4), 2000, pp.311-331.
  55. Panasenko G.P. " Asymptotic expansion of the solution of Navier-Stokes equation in tube structure and partial asymptotic decomposition of the domain", Applicable Analysis an International Journal, Vol.76, (3-4), 2000, pp.363-381.
  56. Fontvielle F., Panasenko G.P., Pousin J. "Asymptotic decomposition of a singular pertubation problem with unbounded energy", C.R. Mecanique, t. 330, 2002, pp. 507-512.
  57. Panasenko G.P. "Partial homogenization", C.R. Mecanique, t. 330, 2002, pp.667-672.
  58. Panasenko G.P., Rutily B., Titaud O. "Asymptotic analysis of integral equations for great interval and its application to stellar radiative transfer.", C.R. Mecanique, t.330, 2002, pp. 735-740.
  59. Panasenko G.P., Virnovsky G. "Homogenization of two-phase flow : high contrast of phase permeability", C.R. Mecanique, t. 331, 2003, pp. 9-15
  60. Ainser A., Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Sirakov I. " Flow in wavy tube structure: asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation", C. R. Mécanique,t. 331, 2003, pp. 609-615
  61. Amosov A., Panasenko G., Rutily B. "An approximate solution to the integral radiative transfer equation in an optically thick slab", C. R. Mécanique,t. 331, 2003, pp. 823-828.
  62. Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Stavre R. " Asymptotic analysis for micro-polar fluids ",C. R. Mécanique,t. 332, 2004, pp. 31-36.
  63. Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Stavre R. " Asymptotic methods for micropolar fluids in a tube structure", Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 5 (14), 2004, pp. 735-758.
  64. Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Stavre R. " Multi-scale analysis for micropolar flow in a structure with one bundle of tubes", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2(3) , 2004, pp.461-475.
  65. Meliani S., Panasenko G., Paoli L. " Etude d'un modèle thermo-chimique de formation d'un matériau composite", C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, Ser.I, 339, 2004, pp.597-602.
  66. Meliani S., Panasenko G. " Thermo-chemical modelling of formation of a composite material", Applied Analysis Int. Journal, 84(3),2005, pp. 229-245.
  67. Amosov A., Panasenko G. "Asymptotic analysis and asymptotic domain decompositionfor an integral equation of the radiative transfer type", J.Math.Pures Appl. 84,2005, pp. 1813-1831.67. Panasenko G., Stavre R."Asymptotic analysis of a periodic flow in a thin channel with visco-elastic wall" J.Math.Pures Appl. (2006) accepted
  68. Panasenko G., Stavre R."Asymptotic analysis  of a periodic flow in a thin channel with visco-elastic wall"
     J.Math.Pures Appl.  85 (4), 2006, pp. 558-579,
  69. Kostin I., Panasenko G. "Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov type equation :
    nonlinear acoustics in heterogeneous media ", C. R. M\'ecanique, 334, 2006, p.220--224.
  70. Berlyand L., Cardone G., Gorb Y.,  Panasenko G. "Asymptotic  analysis of an
    array of closely spaced absolutely conductive inclusions"
    Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 1, 3, 2006, pp. 335-377.
  71. Cardone G., Corbo-Esposito A.,  Panasenko G. "Asymptotic partial decomposition for
    diffusion with sorption in thin structures" Nonlinear Analysis, 65 (2006) 79-106
  72. Panasenko G., Perez E."Asymptotic partial decomposition of domain for spectral problems in rod structures"
     J.Math.Pures Appl., 87,2007,  pp.1-36.
  73. Ainser A., Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Sirakov I. " Asymptotic analysis of flow in
    wavy tubes and simulation of extrusion process" Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science, 30, 8,2007, pp. 889-909.
  74. Fontvieille F., Panasenko G.P., Pousin J. "FEM implementation for the asymptotic partial decomposition",
    Applicable Analysis, 86, 5, 2007, pp. 519-536
  75. Panasenko G. "The partial homogenization: continuous and semi-discretized versions "
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 8, 17, 2007, pp. 1183-1209
  76. Amosov A., Panasenko G. "On approximate solution to  the integral radiative transfer equation in an optically thick slab"
    Math. Methods in the Applied Sciences , 30, 13, 2007, pp. 1593-1608.
  77. Abdessamad Z., Kostin I., Panasenko G., Smyshlyaev V.P. "Homogenization of thermo-viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt model"
    C.R.M\'ecanique, 335, 8, 2007, pp. 423-429.
  78. Panasenko G.,  Sirakov I, Stavre R. "Asymptotic and numerical  modeling of a flow in a thin channel with viscoelastic wall"
    Int. Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 5,6, 2007, pp.473-482
  79. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization for periodic media: from microscale to macroscale"  Yadernaya Fizika (Russian J. Nuclear Physics),
    71, 4, 2008, pp. 1-14; English version: Physics of Atomic Nuclei,71,4, 2008, pp. 681-694.
  80. Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Stavre R. " Asymptotic solution for a 
    micropolar flow in a curvilinear channel",
    Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik ( ZAMM),88 (10), 2008, p. 793-807 
  81. Panasenko G., Stavre R. " Asymptotic analysis of a non-periodic flow in a thin channel with visco-elastic wall",
    Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 3, 2, 2008, pp. 651-673 
  82. Kostin I., Panasenko G. "Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov type equation :
    nonlinear acoustics  heterogeneous media ",  SIAM J.Math. Anal., 40,2 (2008), pp. 699-715
  83. Panasenko G. "Boundary conditions for the high order homogenized equation: laminated rods, plates and composites",
    C.R.M\'ecanique, 2008, accepted
  84. Abdessamad Z., Kostin I., Panasenko G., Smyshlyaev V.P. "Memory effects in homogenization of viscoelastic
    Kelvin-Voigt model with time dependent coefficients" Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, accepted
  85. Panasenko G., Pshenitsyna N. "Homogenization of integro-differential equation of Burgers type"
    Applicable Analysis, 87, 12, 2008, pp.1311-1322.
  86. Panasenko G., Viallon M.C. "The finite volume implementation of the partial asymptotic domain decomposition"
    Applicable Analysis, 87, 12, 2008, pp.1381-1408.
  87. Betoue Etoughe M., Panasenko G., "Partial homogenization of discrete models"
    Applicable Analysis, 87, 12, 2008, pp.1409-1425.
  88. Cardone G.,  Panasenko G., Sirakov I. "Asymptotic analysis and numerical modelling of mass transport in tubular structure"
     Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, submitted
  89. Panasenko G. "Boundary conditions for the high order homogenized equation: laminated rods, plates and composites", C.R. Mécanique, 337, 1, 2009, pp. 8-14
  90. Abdessamad Z., Kostin I., Panasenko G., Smyshlyaev V.P. "Memory effects in homogenization of viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt model with time dependent coefficients" Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 19, 9, 2009, pp. 1603-1630
  91. Cardone G.,  Panasenko G., Sirakov I. "Asymptotic analysis and numerical modelling of mass transport in tubular structure"  Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 20,3, 2010, pp.397-421
  92. Amosov A., Panasenko G. " Integro-differential Burgers equation : solvability and homogenization", Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 72, 11, 2010, pp.3953-3968
  93. Panasenko G., Stavre R. "Asymptotic analysis of the Stokes flow with variable viscosity  in a thin elastic channel",  Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol.3, 4, 2010, pp.789-812
  94. Panasenko G., "Parallelization of the algorithm of asymptotic partial domain decomposition in thin tube structures", C.R.Mecanique, vol.338, 12, 2010, pp. 675-680
  95. Mottin S., Panasenko G., Sivaji Ganesh S., "Multiscale modeling of light absorption in tissues: limitations of classical homogenization approach", PLoS ONE, vol.5, 12, 2010, pp.1-9,  e14350 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014350
  96. Tokarev A., Panasenko G., Ataullakhanov F., "Segregation of flowing blood: mathematical description", Math.Model.Nat.Phenom., vol. 6, 5, 2011, pp. 281-319 doi:10.1051/mmnp/20116511
  97. Panasenko G.,Pileckas K., "Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady viscous flow with a given flow rate in a thin pipe", Applicable Analysis, 2012, 91, 3,  559-574
  98. D’Angelo C,  Panasenko G., Quarteroni A., “Asymptotic-numerical derivation of the Robin type coupling conditions fort he macroscopic pressure at a reservoir-capillaries interface”, Applicable Analysis, 2012, to appear
  99. Kurbatova P., Panasenko G., Volpert V.,  “Asymptotic-numerical analysis of the diffusion- discrete absorption equation“, Math. Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 35, 2012, pp. 438-444 doi  0.1002/mma.1572
  100. Cardone G., Carraro L., Fares R., Panasenko G.  “Asymptotic analysis of the steady Stokes equation with randomly perturbed viscosity in a thin tube structure”, Journal of Mathematical Science, 176, 6, 2011, pp. 797-817
  101. Tokarev A.A., Butylin A.A., Ermakova E.A. Shnol E.E., Panasenko G.P., Ataullakhanov F.I.,  "Finite platelet size could be responsible for the platelet margination effect" Byophysical Journal, 2011, 101, pp. 1835-1843 (cover article).
  102. Tokarev A., Sirakov I.,  Panasenko G.,  Volpert V., Shnol E.,  Butylin A., Ataullakhanov F. Continuous Mathematical Model of Platelet Thrombus Formation in Blood Flow. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 2012 (accepted).
  103. Fares R., Panasenko G., Stavre R.  A viscous fluid flow through a thin channel with mixed rigid-elastic boundary. Variational and asymptotic analysis, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012
  104. Elbert A., Panasenko G. Asymptotic analysis of the one-dimensional diffusion absorption equation with rapidly and strongly oscillating absorption  coefficient, SIAM Journal of Math. Anal.,2012, 44,3
  105. Panasenko G., Stavre R., Asymptotic expansion of the solution to the Stokes flow problem in a thin cylindrical elastic tube, Applicable Analysis, 2012, accepted
  106. Chiheb R., Panasenko G. A novel algorithm for conception and optimisation of reticulated structures. Applicable Analysis, 2012, 91, 5, 1019-1027
  107. Amosov A.A., Panasenko G.P. "The problem of thermo-chemical formation of a composite material. Properties of the solution and homogenization. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 181, 5, 2012, 541- 577
  108. Panasenko G. "Partial asymptotic domain decomposition for the diffusion discrete absorption equation." Proceedings Institute Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18, 2  2012
  109. Cardone G.,Fares R.,Panasenko G. "Asymptotic expansion of the solution of the steady Stokes equation with variable viscosity in a two-dimensional tube structure", Journal of Math.Phys., accepted


  111. Panasenko G.P. "On the existance and uniqueness of the solution of some elliptic equations , posed on $R^n$." In Proc. of the Conference of young scientists of the Dept. of Numerical Analysis and Informatics of Moscow State University. Moscow University Publ., Moscow,1976,53-61(in Russian). 
  112. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of the contact problem for two periodic structures devided by a thin interlayer." In Applied Mathematics and Computer Software(edited by A.S. Iliinsky and L.N.Korolev), Moscow University, Moscow,1979, 20-31(in Russian)
  113. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of the fields in frame and celural constructions". Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys,1981,36,No 4, p. 224.
  114. Panasenko G.P. "Averaging fields in lattice structures." In Applied Mathematics and Computer Software(edited by L.N. Korolev, A.D.Kuzmin and O.Yu.Tikhomirov).Moscow University, Moscow,1981,13-14(in Russian).
  115. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of the processes in random frameworks." Proc. of the Conference Math. Modelling of Physical Processes, Moscow, 1982,20-25 (in Russian).
  116. Panasenko G.P. "Mathematical problems of the theory of spatially reinforced media." Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys,1982,37,No 4, p. 136-137 .
  117. Panasenko G.P. " Optimisation effective characteristics of the fibre-reinforced composite materials." Proc. of the 1-st USSR Conference on Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous Media, Lvov/ Kiev, Naukova Dumka Publ.,1983 (in Russian).
  118. Panasenko G.P. "Strength of spatially reinforced materials." (in Russian). Proc. of the 1-st USSR Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Inst. of Mech. of Polimers of Latv. Acad. Sci.Publ., 1983,136-137 (in Russian).
  119. Bakhvalov N.S., Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization processes in periodic media." Proc. of the 8-th USSR Conference on Numerical Methods in the Elasticity and Plasticity Problems. Novosibirsk,1984,27-31(in Russian).
  120. Panasenko G.P. "On the scale effect in spatially reinforced composites." Proc. of the 2-nd USSR Conf. on Strength, Rigidity and Technology of Composite Materials. Yerevan, Yerevan Univ. Publ., 1984,3,22-24 (in Russian).
  121. Panasenko G.P. "The analytical formulae in homogenization theory and applications in mechanics of composites." Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys, 1984,39,No 4, p. 121-122.
  122. Panasenko G.P. "Numerical solution of cell problems in mechanics of composites." Proc. of the USSR Symposium on Discrete Singularities Method in Problems of Math. Phys., Kharkov, 1985,87-89 (in Russian).
  123. Panasenko G.P.,Reztsov M.V. "Asymptotic expansions of solutions of the elasticity system, posed in the non-homogeneous plate." In Proc. of the Conference of young scientists of the Dept. of Numerical Analysis and Informatics of Moscow State University. Moscow University Publ.,Moscow,1985(in Russian).
  124. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic expansion of a solution of non-stationary 3D elasticity problem in a thin plate". Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys, 1985,40,5,218-219.
  125. Panasenko G.P."Boundary layer in homogenization problems for non-homogeneous media." In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers- Computational and Asymptotic Methods(BAIL 4). Edited by S.K.Godunov, J.J.H.Miller, V.A.Novikov. Boole Press, Dublin,1986,pp.398-402.
  126. Panasenko G.P. "On the scale effect in multi-layered plates." Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys, 1986,41,No 4, p. 193-194.
  127. Panasenko G.P., Panasenko I.S."Thermoconductivity of layered plates", Proc. of the USSR Symposium on Discrete Singularities Method in Problems of Math. Phys. and Numerical Experiment, Kharkov, 1987, 143-144.87-89 (in Russian).
  128. Panasenko G.P., Sysuyev V.V."Homogenization of parameters of thermo- hydro- and mass-transfer in the agregated random-periodic porous media". Proc. of the USSR Conf. on Math. Meth. in the Modelling of soils and Computations of the effective properties, Moscow, 1986 (in Russian).
  129. Panasenko G.P. "On the effective properties of strongly non-honogeneous media", Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys,1987,42,No 4,p.166.
  130. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization method for the equations with contrasting coefficients." Proc. of the USSR Conf. on Small Parameter Methods., Naltchik, Kabardino-Balkar Univ. Publ.,1987, p. 116 (in Russian).
  131. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of processes in strongly non-honogeneous fibre-reinforced structures." Proc. of the 2-nd USSR Conf. on Mech. of Non- Homogeneous Media. Lvov, Lvov Univ. Publ.,1987,p.204 (in Russian).
  132. Panasenko G.P., Saint Jean Paulin J., Cioranescu D. "On the problem of junction of a 2-D domain with a lattice-like domain of antenne type" Proc. of I.G.Petrovsky's Conference. Russian Math. Surveys, 1993,48,No 4.
  133. Panasenko G.P. " Multicomponent homogenized model for strongly nonhomogeneous structures", Proceenings of Colloque " Calculus of Variations, Homogenization and Continuum Mechanics ", Marseille, 1993.International Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 18, 1994, pp. 255-260.
  134. Bourgeat A., Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic analysis of Dirichlet's problem for Poisson's equation in a perforated domain with a thin interlayer." I.G.Petrovsky's Conference, Moscow, 1994. Russian Math. Surveys, v. 49, No 4, 1994, p.102.
  135. Lapshin A.E., Panasenko G.P. " Dirichlet's problem for Poisson's equation posed in a lattice-like domain." I.G.Petrovsky's Conference, Moscow, 1994. Russian Math. Surveys, v. 49, No 4, 1994, p.104.
  136. Panasenko G.P. " Optimization of lattice structures." I.G.Petrovsky's Conference, Moscow, 1995, Russian Math. Surveys, v. 50, No 4, 1995.
  137. Panasenko G.P. " Macroscopic permeability of the system of thin fissures filled by material with random permeability tensor", Proceenings of International Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Flow through Porous Media, Saint-Etienne, 1995, Ed. A. Bourgeat, C. Carasso, S. Luckhaus, World Scientific Publ. 1995, pp. 483-494.
  138. Gnelecoumbaga S., Panasenko G.P."Non-stationary contact problem for perforated medium and highly conductive homogeneous medium." Proceenings of International Conference on Homogenization and Applications to Material Sciences, Nice, 1995. Ed. D.Cioranescu, A. Damlamian, P. Donato. Mathematical Sciences and Applications, volume 9, Gacuto International Series, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, Japan, 1997, pp. 191-202.
  139. Gilbert R., Gnelecoumbaga S. Panasenko G.P. "Wave propagation in a porous media bounded above by a fluid: homogenization and boundary layer." Proc. III International conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation phenomena, 1995, Juan-les-Pins. Ed. G. Cohen, pp.449-454.
  140. Panasenko G.P. " Homogenization of lattice structures: L-convergence." Book of Abstracts of the Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg, 1995, p.57
  141. Panasenko G.P. " Optimization of rod structures and L-convergence." Book of Abstracts of the First World Congress of Strucutral and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany, 1995
  142. Carasso C., Panasenko G.P. " Modelization and formal asymptotic analysis of processes in a catalitic converter ". Numerical Methods in Mechanics. Ed. C.Conca and G.Gatica, 1997, Longman (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 371), pp. 47-58. (Proceedings of the Fourth French-Latinamerican Congress on Applied Mathematics).
  143. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotics of effective conductivity of the thin-walled structure imbedded into homogeneous medium", 29 Congr\`es National d'Analyse Num\`erique, 26-30 mai 1997, Domain d'Imbours. Book of abstracts, t.2., p.33-34
  144. Panasenko G.P. " Asymptotic expansion of the solution of Stokes equation in tube structure and partial decomposition of the domain" in Proceedings of International Conference " Porous Media: Physics, Models, Simulations", (19-21 November, 1997, Moscow, Russia.) Eds. A.Dmitrievsky, M.Panfilov, World Scientific Publ., 1999, pp. 217-242.
  145. Panasenko G.P., Blanc F., Gipouloux O., Zine A.M. "M\'ethode de d\'ecomposition asymptotique partielle de domaine pour l'\'equation de Stokes dans un r\'eseau de tubes rectilignes." 30 Congr\`es National d'Analyse Num\`erique, 18-22 mai 1998, Arles. Book of abstracts. pp. 266-267.
  146. Panasenko G.P. "Effective permeability of periodic and random fissured structures." International Symposium on Computer Methods for Engineering in Porous Media, Flow and Transport, Giens, France, 28 September-2 October 1998, Book of abstracts p.87.
  147. Lapshin E.A., Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of the system of equations of high frequency non-linear acoustics." in "Direct and inverse problems of mathematics" ISAAC series ( Proceedings of the First International ISAAC conference, Newark, Delaware, USA, June 1997), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
  148. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition of thin domains: variational version." 12-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Technology, Novgorod the Great, Russia, June 1999, Book of abstracts p.104.
  149. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition : variational version." International Worcshop on Asymptotic and Numerical Analysis of Structures and of Heterogeneous Media (ANASTHEM), St Petersburg, Russia, June 2000, Book of abstracts, pp.100-103.
  150. Panasenko G.P., Lapshin E.A. "Homogenization of high frequency nonlinear acoustics equations", International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzdal, Russia, August 2000, Book of abstracts, pp.60-61.
  151. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition. of domain for singular problems" International Conference Differential Equations and Related Topics, Book of abstracts, Moscow, Russia, May 2001, pp. 313-317.
  152. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization and partial asymptotic domain decomposition". International Conference on Asymptotic Solutions of Differential Equations, Ufa, Russia, June 2002, Book of abstracts, pp. 5-6.
  153. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of two-phase flow in porous media : effective permeabilities and derivatives of phase pressures" International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzdal, Russia, July 2002, Book of abstracts, p. 187.
  154. Panasenko G.P., Lapshin E.A. "Homogenization of the equations of high-frequency non-linear acoustics." 16-th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Moscow, Russia, August 2002, Book of abstracts, p. 19.
  155. Amosov A.A, Panasenko G.P., Rutily B. "An approximate solution to the integral radiative transfer equation in an optically thick slab", 7-th International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and and Ingeneering, Saint Etienne, France, August 2002, p. 12-13.
  156. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition of domain : applications for structures and compsite materials", Workshop on Multi-Scale Computational Mechanics For Materials and Structures, Cachan, France, September 2002, p. 23
  157. Dupuy D., Panasenko G., Stavre R. " Analyse asymptotique des fluides micropolaires", 34 Congrès d'Analyse Numérique, Anglet, mai 2002. Book of abstracts.
  158. Meliani S., Panasenko G., Paoli L. " Etude d'un modèle thermo-chimique de formation d'un matériau composite", 34 Congrès d'Analyse Numérique, Anglet, mai 2002. Book of abstracts.
  159. Fontvieille F., Panasenko G.P., Pousin J. "Décomposition asymptotique d'une perturbation singuliaire sans limite dans l'espace de l'énergie finie ", 34 Congrès d'Analyse Numérique, Anglet, mai 2002. Book of abstracts.
  160. Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization and partial asymptotic domain decomposition." International Conference on Asymptotic Solutions of Differential Equations, Ufa, Russia, June 2002, Book of abstracts, pp.5-6.
  161. Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic domain decomposition and partial homogenization", VI-ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, mai 2003. Proceedings V.3, pp. 365-372
  162. Meliani S., Panasenko G., Paoli L. " Theoretical and numerical study of a multi-scale model for composites" II MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics Cambridge (USA) June 2003 Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics
  163. Panasenko G.P. "Hybrid multi-scale models for structures and composites." International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzdal, Russia, July 2004, Book of abstracts, p.290-291.
  164. Panasenko G.P. "Hybrid multi-scale models for structures, flows and composites." International Conference on Multi-Scale Problems and Asymptotic Analysis, Narvik, June 2004, Book of abstracts, p.53.
  165. Panasenko G.P. "The partial homogenization of a stratified rod" V-th ISAACcongres, Catania (Italie), juillet 2005, Book of abstracts, p.173
  166. Cardone G., Corbo-Esposito A., Panasenko G. "Asymptotic partial decomposition fordiffusion with sorption in thin structure" Nonlinearity, V-th ISAAC congres, Catania (Italie), juillet 2005, Book of abstracts, p.172
  167. Panasenko G.P. "Flows in thin tube structures" International workshop on Thin Structures, Naples, Italie, septembre 2005, Book of abstracts, p.9
  168. 148. Kostin I., Panasenko G. "Homogenization Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov type equation ",
     International Conference on  Differential Equations and Dynamical
    Systems, Suzdal, Russia, July 2006, Book of abstracts, pp. 274-276
  169. Kostin I., Panasenko G. "Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov type equation   in heterogeneous media ",
    IUTAM Symposium on HamiltonianDynamics, Vortex Structures, Turbulence, Moscow, 2006, Book of abstracts, pp.
  170. Panasenko G.P., Virnovsky G. "Homogenization of two-phase
    flow: high contrast of one  phase permeability", IUTAM Symposium on HamiltonianDynamics,
    Vortex Structures, Turbulence, Moscow, 2006, Book of abstracts, pp.
  171. Panasenko G.P. "The multiscale modelling for thin structures (invited lecture) "
    {\bf Oberwolfach Reports}, V.3, 2, (EMS Publishers),  2006, Applications of Asymptotic Analysis,
      pp. 1698-1701
  172. Panasenko G.P. "Multi-scale modelling for blood circulation" International Conference
    "Differential Equations and Related Topics" dedicated to I.G.Petrovskii, Moscow, May 2007,
    Book of abstracts, pp. 229-230.
  173. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic domain decomposition for continuous and discrete structures"
    12th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Trakai, June 2007.
    Book of abstracts, p. 69.
  174. Panasenko G., Sirakov I. "Modelling of flows and transport phenomena in great thin tube structures"
    Workshop of Blood Deseases, Lyon, November 2007. Book of abstracts, p.14.
  175. Panasenko G., Sirakov I. "Modelling of flows and transport phenomena in great thin tube structures"
    Workshop of Blood Deseases, Lyon, November 2007. Book of abstracts, p.14
  176. Tokarev A., Volpert V., Panasenko G., Sirakov I., Shnol E., Butylin A., Ataullakhanov F.
     "Erythrocytes-platelets interactions as a physical basis of haemostasis"
    Workshop of Blood Deseases, Lyon, November 2007. Book of abstracts, p.16
  177. Panasenko G.P."Homogenization of partial differential equations:trends"
    Voronej Winter School of Mathematics - 2008, Voronej; Book of abstracts,
    Ed.: A.V.Kostin, Voronej University Publishers, Voronej, 2008, pp.  155-156
  178. Kostin I., Panasenko G.P." Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov type equation   in heterogeneous media ",
    13th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis and 3rd Int. Conf.
    on Approximation Methods and Orthogonal Esxpansions, June 2008, Kaariku, Estonia. Book of abstracts, p.54
  179. Panasenko G., Pshenitsyna N.,"Homogenization of the integro-differential Burgers tipe equation",
    International Conference on  Differential Equations and Dynamical
    Systems, Suzdal, Russia, July 2008, Book of abstracts, Vladimir University Publishers, pp.314-317
  180. Panasenko G. The asymptotic partial decomposition strategy for thin structures. Workshop
    "Non-classical, Boundary and Localization Phenomena in Mathematical Homogenization", August, 2008, Cardiff, Abstracts, 1
  181. Kostin I., Panasenko G.P." Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov type equation   in heterogeneous media:
    existence, uniqueness of solution and homogenization ", Differential and Functional-Differential Equations
     International Conf. Moscow, 2008. Book of abstracts, pp. 52-53
  182. Panasenko G. "Asymptotic partial domain decomposition startegy for modelling flows in thin tube structures",
    Int.Conf. on Scaling Up and Modeling for Transport and Flow in Porous Media, Dubrovnik, 2008, Book of abstracts, p.22-26  
  183. Panasenko G.P. "Boundary conditions for the high order homogenized equation” International Conference on  Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzdal, Russia, July 2010, Book of  abstracts, Vladimir University Publishers, p.229
  184. Panasenko G.P., Stavre R. "Well posedness and asymptotic expansion of Stokes equation set in a thin cylindrical elastic tube". In "Around the Research of Vladimir Maz'ya", International  Math. Series, v. 12, Partial Differential Equations. Eds: A. Laptev, Springer, 2010, p.275-301
  185. Amosov A.A., Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of the integro-differential Burgers equation". In "Integral Methods Science and Engineering" v.1, Birhauser, Boston, 2010,  pp. 1-8
  186. Panasenko G.P., Pankratova I.L., Piatnitski A.L. "Homogenization of convection-diffusion equation in thin rod structure". In "Integral Methods Science and Engineering" v.1, Birhauser, Boston, 2010,  pp. 279-290
  187. Panasenko G.  ``Asymptotic expansion of the solution of the steady Stokes equation with variable viscosity in a two-dimensional tube structure”, International conference on the occasion of V.V. Zhikov's 70th birthday, "Multiscale methods and qualitative properties for differential operators", Naples, May 6-7, 2011, Italy, Book of abstracts, pp. 6. plenary talk
  188. Panasenko G.P. " Asymptotic analysis of the steady Stokes equation with variable viscosity in a thin tube structure " International Conference "Differential Equations and Related Topics" dedicated to I.G.Petrovskii, Moscow, May 2011, Book of abstracts, pp
  189. Panasenko G.P. Asymptotic analysis and partial asymptotic decomposition of viscous flows in tube structures. Conference Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations, Chelyabinsk, June, 2011 plenary talk
  190. Panasenko G.P." Homogenization of the discrete diffusion absorption equation", Differential and Functional-Differential Equations International Conf. Moscow, 2011. Book of abstracts, pp. 49-50

  192. Lapshin E.A., Panasenko G.P., Vasiljeva O.A. "The software pack for wave physics problems", Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN (preprint), Moscow University Publ.,1980 ,45pp.
  193. Panasenko G.P. "Asymptotic solutions of the elasticity system for rods, beam constructions and lattice structures." VINITI (Zh.V.M.M.F.),05.12.1990, No 6107-B90, 91pp. (in Russian).
  194. Kozlov S.M.,Panasenko G.P. "Corrections to the strength materials theory for the lattice structures". Publ du Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'erique, Universit\'e M. Curie CNRS,R91020, Paris,1991.
    • Panasenko G.P. "Homogenization of lattice-like domains: L-convergence". Publ. de l'Equipe d'Analyse Numerique Lyon - Saint Etienne, No 178, 1994, 23 pp.
    • Badea A., Carasso C., Panassenko G. "Modele d'enceinte homogeneisee correspondant a un reservoir muni de petits orifices alignes" Publ. de l'Equipe d'Analyse Numerique Lyon - Saint Etienne, No 191, 1995, 19 pp. paru \'a Numer. Methods in Partial Differential Eq., v.14, 1998, pp. 1-22
    • Panasenko G.P. "Method of asymptotic partial decomposition of a domain", Publications d'Equipe d'Analyse Num\`erique Lyon Saint-Etienne C.N.R.S. U.M.R. 5585, no 234, 1996, 17 p. paru: M3AS, 1998, no 1.
    • Chiheb R., Panasenko G.P. " Optimization of finite rod structures and L-convergence", Publications d'Equipe d'Analyse Num\`erique Lyon Saint-Etienne C.N.R.S. U.M.R. 5585, no 267, 1996, 20 p. paru \'a The Journal of Dynamical Systems and Control
    • Blanc F., Gipouloux O., Panasenko G., Zine A.M. " Asymptotic Analysis and Partial Asymptotic Decomposition of the Domain for Stokes Equation in Tube Structure, " Publications d'Equipe d'Analyse Num\`erique Lyon Saint-Etienne C.N.R.S. U.M.R. 5585, no 280, 1998, 29 p., accept\'e \`a Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 1999, 9.
  195. Panasenko G.P., Panasenko I.S., Bakarinova V.I., Poretskaya L.V., Lagun S.V. "The method of measuring of thermoconductivity of plates", USSR Bull. of inventions, 1988, No 15,p.186 (in Russian).
