Sometimes I have to put text on a path

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blogger's implementation of WYSIWYG editing in the browser

A technical note on Blogger's implementation of WYSIWYG editing in the browser.

WebGL Globe is an open platform for geographic data visualization

Chrome Experiments - WebGL Globe

code geo

The WebGL Globe

The WebGL Globe is an open platform for geographic data visualization. We encourage you to copy the code, add your own data, and create your own.

If you do create your own globe, please share it with us. We will be posting links to our favorite WebGL globes on this page sometime in the future.

Created by the Google Data Arts Team.


Latitude / longitude data spikes
Color gradients, based on data value or type
Mouse wheel to zoom
More features are under development...

desktop blog editor; Offline editing; mac and PC; Qumana blog editor and blogging tools

graph services: beauty bar charts,; UNdata

Beauty Bar  is a tool to build nice bar charts. This blog shows example charts made with the tool, and gives tips how one can use it.

Top Downloads eclipse tutorial

web services: URL shorteners and Clean URL; URL design.

A shortener:
Paste your long URL and you get a new short URL.

URL shortening is a technique in which a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) may be made shorter in length and still direct to the required page. This is achieved by using an HTTP Redirect on a domain name that is short, which links to the web page that has a long URL.
(this allows other services linked with your google account (your feed; analytics...))

It's different of

ALL about this ex-ample:; structure of 71 slides;


Just a deployment (only 44slides) of (71 slides):
The structure of "Google HTML5 Slides":
  • only ONE html file,
  • each slide is defined by a tag 'div class="slide'.
Javascript codes  (at the end of the index.html):
  • config.js
    7lines (disableCodeHighlights...)
( is not used)
4 CSS files:
  • animations.css
  • prettify.css
    Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js
  • slide-content.less
  • slide-presentation.less

List of 71 slides.
Some comments:
 {lines of code: slide-content.js};
  [css: slide-content.less].

1 Preflight {70}
2 "Press" space..
3 Google TM
4 HTML5 Case...TITLE
5 Who are these guys {9; init slideIn and slideOut javascript}
6 One year ago
7 Training for... (vertical scrolling)
8 Today we...
9 -I-II-III--Today's agenda (move)
10 -I)---FILE
11 Binary data (image back, flickr)
12 Binary data on the... (code)
13 HTML5 binary data
14 New data types
15 Fetch
16 FILE APIs (flikr)
17 getting file handles ("select some img files"; publish info of file) {15}
18 directory upload (button "view tree" or "view list") {"}
19 "Drag in images from desktop" (view with auto-zoom; one or more files drag) {from 133 to 189}
20 demo photo gallery (wait 2-3s)
21 Blueprint
22 USING FILES (flikr)
23 Reading file content
24 Data URLs (click "texte area" --it opens a new window)
25 Blob URLs
26 """    javascript/worker
27 Browser support File APIs
28 FILE SYSTEM API (flikr)
29 Opening
30 Fetch
31 Terminal:Duplicating user-selected files
32 DEMO: HTML5 Terminal--Lauch ; By: Eric Bidelman
33 Blueprint
34 1,2,3 ways to generate URLs to files (button new)
35 Browser Support: File System API
37 HTML5 graphics
39 Inline SVG (comparison SVG quality and bitmap; clic right not allowed for SVG
40 The SVG DOM: put text on a path; int:math {8; 230-237}
41 -text borders, CSS... transition: move random : {240-262} [953-1036]
42 Movement with CSS--int: math
43 Tweens (menu pop-up and button animate and interactive 2D graph)
      --int:math {265-269; 862-943(end)} [1053-1073]
44 3D
45 The power of 3D CSS
46 SCRIPTED APIs (flikr)
47 canvas {288-441}
48 test speed (2 buttons) ; see also the title of the page; {445-501}
49 2D canvas (sprites)
50 3D support (position of your computer; device orientation for input); {507-518; 785-857}
51 WebGL support; {523-756}
52 W"
53 DEMO:lauch terminal
54 Blueprint 3D filesystem browser
56 HTML5 audio
57 AUDIO control (1 button save; 3 buttons open, clear log, reload page)--math
58 WEB AUDIO API (flikr)
59 button play web audio API
60 Generating sound (5buttons; 2slides; 2views)-math
61 Audio processing in 10 lines of code!
62 DEMO GAL9000
63 Blueprint
64 Real-time audio analysis (button pop-up "options"; button bottom start stop next; 1slide)--math
65 Browser support
66 IV--That was a lot
67 What you saw:  file graphics audio
68 Go Deeper: Follow these guys tweeter: @ebidel, @kurrik
69 -
70 -
71 End (logo Google).

Friday, July 15, 2011

create SVG animation;

you can also create your own animation using SVG.

Want to create SVG animation’s remake version? Play with basic remake on Simple Mode, add your own punch line on Twister Mode to win wonderful prize, and go for Fanatic Mode to get listed on our credits page. All 3 modes waiting for your challenge! - Share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS launched in June 2010 and in less than a year it has surpassed 10,000 registered users, more than 18,000 codes submitted.

Signing up is super fast, you only need to decide your name:
Account: google, facebook, twitter, yahoo openId.

3 choices:
  • use JavaScript editor(default)
  • use JavaScript New editor (beta)
  • use HTML textarea editor shares JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.
Our site is engagement-driven. We offer both, vivid environment for developers to showcase their trendy works on JavaScript and HTML5, as well as community to share their codes and learn from each other. That's why we call our communtiy 'a coding avenue'.

Browser-based editor: is a handy place to keep your codes, just like GitHub. The difference is, our platform is more oriented to visual works, leveraging the power of JavaScript, HTML5 and modern browser technologies.

All about SVG and all browsers; a trick to copy/paste svg in all browsers; SVG-edit is a Javascript-driven SVG editor that works in any browser; google docs drawing;inkscape; aviary Raven and extensions (screen capture)

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a family of specifications of an XML-based file format for describing 2D vector graphics, both static and dynamic (interactive and/or animated).
Since they are XML files, SVG images can be created and edited with any text editor, but drawing programs are also available that support SVG file formats.

SVG≠Canvas. Canvas is a bitmap based format: the Canvas element provides an approach to rendering dynamic graphics in HTML that's procedural rather than declarative. Instead of specifying the shapes to draw in XML, the author executes drawing commands from a script. Canvas does not allow for static rendering, and drawn elements are not identifiable in a DOM-like way.

Interactive SVG: time-based modifications to the elements can be described in SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, is a W3C recommended XML markup language for describing multimedia presentations; SMIL is not yet native to web browsers, so in order to put SMIL in a web page, one must embed it and open it in a plug-in such as Quicktime or Windows Media Player), or can be programmed in a scripting language (JavaScript; see the example in this blog (bottom)). The W3C explicitly recommends SMIL as the standard for animation in SVG.
A rich set of event handlers can be assigned to any SVG graphical object.

----Rendering and copy/save a SVG in your browser (tag svg)

I tested two SVG in blogger (this ex-ample.blogspot):

List of results (last version of browsers; data@july 2011):
  • chrome 14.0.814.0 dev: 
    • rendering: OK
    • right click: nothing.

  • Firefox 6.0b
    • rendering: OK
    • right click: nothing.

  • safari 5.0.5
    • rendering: NO
    • right click: nothing.
  • Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0.600.18702 (with the Chrome Frame plugin for IE (
    • rendering: NO
    • right click: nothing.
  • Internet Explorer (IE) 9.0.8112.16421 (Native support became partially available in IE9 )
    • rendering of the examples of this blog (embed SVG): NO
    • right click: nothing.
Conclusion there are no native copy/save then we need plugin, extension, addon or... tricks.

just a trick:

  1. Right-click (mac: ctrl click) on the post  below "SVG test in blogger" (not on this text).
  2. Select "inspect element" (the last item)
  3. Chrome opens a new window "developper tools".
    It's a complex window but just copy (ctrl c) and close this window.
    Now your clipboard contains the code (between the svg tags).
  4. paste in a text editor and save with "name.svg". 
  5. You can copy in a post, etc...

 This solution gets the generated code (with the svg of the bottom of this blog, you must get the original source code, not the generated code).

-----just  some comments about 2 chrome extensions:
Save Canvas and SVG Element from right-click menu:
problem: doesn't work...

The extension "Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer (by Google)" opens a new browser window when the URL is a svg URL. It's a bad solution (many errors).

Firefox :
The same trick:
1) right click (mac: ctrl click) on a part of the drawing.
2) A context menu appears (sorry , in french but the item position is the same): 

3) Select "source code" (3nd item)
4) Firefox creates and opens a new window (source DOM of the selection: it contains the code between the svg tags):
5) Don't use "save" (many bugs), just copy the code and paste/save in a text editor and use "name.svg".

This solution only gets the generated code (with the svg @bottom of this blog, you must get the original source code, not the generated code).

Internet explorer:
I think that the same trick could be used (i will test...).

Ssrc SVG Plugin from Savarese Software Research Corporation is a plug-in for rendering SVG (rendering SVG and XUL ) in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 (and source):

------------Create/change/save SVG

SVG-edit is a fast, web-based, Javascript-driven SVG editor that works in any modern browser:
  • Firefox 1.5+
  • Opera 9.50+
  • Safari 4+
  • Chrome 1+
  • IE 6+ (with the Chrome Frame plugin, native IE9 support in 2.6)
This editor depends on many other open-source projects. See Acknowledgements for details.

In browsers that support the W3C File API, this editor allows you to open local files. The set of browsers in which this supported is: Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, and Opera 11.10+ (builds from 2011-04-05 onwards).
An online free javascript based tool that allows you to save the diagrams you create online as svg files.
Google Docs (drawing) can create and export a drawing into SVG files:

------ Draw can export SVG drawings. Import extensions are available to import SVG images into Draw.

desktop SVG (freeware, open)
  • Mac OS X
    • OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard – Universal .dmg (requires Apple's X11/Xquartz 2.3.4 or higher)
    • OS X 10.5, Leopard – Universal .dmg   (requires Apple's X11 2.1.6 or Xquartz)
  • Windows – installer, portable, 7zip. 
Aviary (application suite)
Aviary is a proprietary web-based multi-media application suite that is free to use. They are using the Adobe Flex platform for most of their tools.
  • Phoenix - Advanced Image Editor. An web-based image editor that can be utilized by anyone looking to retouch and manipulate a photo. From basic image editing to manipulating complex effects, Phoenix delivers essential key features available in powerful desktop clients right through your browser.
  • Peacock - Node based visual laboratory Peacock is a tool with depth and endless possibilities like dragging, dropping, and connecting generators, effects, resources, and controllers. Users can create stunning art by combining terrains, patterns, computational effects, and more.
  • Toucan - Color swatches and palettes creator
  • Rookery - Codename for the file system utilized by Aviary.
  • Raven - Vector editor. Raven allows users to create fully scalable vector art appropriate for logos,.
  • Talon - Chrome & Firefox Screen Capture Add-On. It will perform a screen capture of the visible portion of any webpage and then open the capture instantly in a basic image editor where you can do markup (draw arrows and rectangles), edit (crop, rotate and resize) and get the exact pixel colors of the image.
    Chrome web Apps:
  • Falcon - Image Markup. Falcon can be used for resizing, cropping, rotating, and other simple editing. Falcon runs lightning fast even on the slowest connections, which makes for great results and sharing in no time!
  • Myna - Audio editor. Myna is a powerful audio editing tool used to remix your favorite songs or record your own.
  • Roc - Beat generator. With over 50 free instruments, users can create simple beats or an masterpiece with a simple point and click interface
Illustrator CS5 HTML5 Pack (free add-on):

use the Chrome browser in different tongues: not the same for windows/mac.

Google Chrome's font and language settings let you read the web and use the browser in your native tongue. Follow these steps to change these settings:

  1. Click the wrench icon  on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Options (Preferences on Mac and Linux).
  3. Click the Under the Hood tab and go to the "Web Content" section. Here are the various settings you can adjust.
In Windows, follow these steps to change this setting:
  • Click Languages and spell-checker settings to open the "Language and Input" dialog.
  • Select the language you'd like to use from the list. If the language isn't listed, first add it as one of your preferred webpage languages.
  • On the right panel, click Display Google Chrome in this language.
  • Restart the browser to apply the changes.

On a Mac, the browser interface language is determined by the Language - Text setting in System Preferences. 

  1. Change your native tongue to english (for example)
  2. Load chrome (now it is in english).
  3. Quit chrome and change english to your native tongue.

chrome extension: select a text (URL...) -> autoCopy

When text is selected using the mouse it will automatically be copied to the clipboard.

I've found that just about the only time I select text in my browser is when I want to copy it to the clipboard.  This extension is meant to streamline the process.

  - Enable/disable auto copy for text fields (v1.0.0)
  - Enable/disable copy as plain text (v1.0.2)
  - Enable/disable including URL with the copied text (v1.0.2)
  - Implemented fix for beeping sound that some users were experiencing, thanks gregg! (v1.0.4)
  - Implemented a work-around for Chrome 6 (v1.0.5)
  - Updated artwork per Google's requirements (v1.0.6)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ADDING READ MORE IN YOUR POST | Blogger Magazine Templates

ADDING READ MORE IN YOUR POST | Blogger Magazine Templates

Less.js: LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior.

LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.
LESS runs on both the client-side (IE 6+, Webkit, Firefox) and server-side, with Node.js.

prettify.js. a Javascript module; syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page.
For an example, see the README:

chrome extension:

for other browsers:

  • Works on HTML pages
  • Works even if code contains embedded links, line numbers, etc.
  • Simple API : include some JS&CSS and add an onload handler.
  • Lightweights : small download and does not block page from loading while running.
  • Customizable styles via CSS.
    See the themes gallery (gallery of themes for code prettify):
  • Supports all C-like, Bash-like, and XML-like languages. No need to specify the language.
  • Extensible language handlers for other languages. You can specify the language.
  • Widely used with good cross-browser support. 
  • Powers and

SVG test in blogger

webGL skull (1162 faces) rendering.

Low poly normal mapped model exported from Blender, rendered in Three.js using Blinn-Phong shader with baked ambient occlusion texture, one directional and one point light.

Skull model by Daniel FR Gordillo:
1162 faces, 924 KB total (including textures)
Technology: JavaScript, WebGL, Three.js, Blender

PhiloGL is a WebGL Framework for Data Visualization

Visualize major airlines flight routes
Technology: PhiloGL, JavaScript, WebGL

Learn by Example
All lessons from Learning WebGL have been ported into the PhiloGL Framework.
This is a great starting point for people wanting to learn PhiloGL and/or WebGL as well.

Google Technology User Groups: GTUG

Google Technology User Groups (GTUGs) are user groups for people who are interested in Google's developer technology; everything from the Android and App Engine platforms, to product APIs like the YouTube API and the Google Calendar API, to initiatives like OpenSocial.
This experiment is a visualization for the impressive growth Google Technologies User Groups (GTUGs) have been during the past two years. It shows GTUGs being created as white dots, and every GTUG event is shown as a dynamic pulse on the map. 30 seconds after the latest event it starts to rewind (and the globe spins backwards) and starts running again from the beginning.

unlocking services: unlock code on your mobile cell phone;code de déblocage pour votre téléphone mobile

Learn how to enter your unlock code on your mobile phone. Remove the network lock off your cell phone.
If you put another simcard into your cell phone and it does not allow you make calls with it, then your phone is simlocked. If your phone is "simlocked" when you put an alternative network simcard in your phone it could show "enter correct sim", "enter subsidy password", "wrong sim", "incorrect sim" or similar. If you want to use your phone with another simcard then you will need to unlock your phone. There are some small considerations you need to make sure before you start such as simcard compatibility and making sure that your phone is definately "locked" not "blocked" there is a distinct difference!

Comment entrer votre code de déblocage sur votre téléphone mobile afin qu'il accepte les cartes SIM de n'importe quel opérateur. Comment débloquer gratuitement son mobile?

-------------list (data @july 2011):
How to enter my Unlock Code on Alcatel ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on BENQ ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on BlackBerry ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Bosch ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Ericsson ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Palm Handspring ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Kenwood ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on LG Electronics ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Mitsubishi ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Motorola ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on NEC ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Nokia ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Panasonic ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Philips ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Sagem ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Samsung ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Sanyo ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Sendo ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Sharp ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Siemens ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Sony ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Toshiba ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Treo ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Trium ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on SonyEricsson ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Vitel ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on VK Mobile ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Wonu ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on HTC, SPV, MDA, XDA, iMATE and T-Mobile G1 ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Cingular BlackJack ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on T-Mobile G1 ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Utstarcom ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Pantech ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Toshiba ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Huawei ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on AT&T Quickfire ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on Sidekick ?
How to enter my Unlock Code on UTStarcom ?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ALL Official Chrome extensions for Google products

Official extensions for Google products:
Extensions are a great way to add more features and functionality to the browser. Try out the following extensions available for Google products.

24 chrome extensions (data@july 2011):
  • Blog This!:
    one-click service for posting.
  • Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer:
    This extension automatically opens PDF, PowerPoint, and TIFF file links that you click in Google Docs Viewer. No need to download the files to your computer -- you see the document or presentation immediately in the browser.
  • Email this Page
    This extension adds a button to the toolbar that you can click to email the link of the page you're on, using either your default email service or Gmail. The new email message opens in a new tab and is pre-populated with a link to the page, as well as any text you've highlighted on that page. Right-click the button and select Options to choose which email service should be used.
  •  Favorite Doodle
  •  Google Calendar Checker
  •  Google Checkout Promo Notifier
  •  Google Dictionary
    See instant definitions. This extension lets you double-click a word on a page to view its definition in a small pop-up bubble. The extension also adds a small icon to the address bar that you can click to search for a definition. You can set the dictionary language via the options menu for the extension.
  •  Google Mail Checker
  •  Google Quick Scroll:
    This extension helps you find info on a page that's most relevant to your Google search. When you click a search result after searching on Google, a dialog may pop up on the bottom-right corner of the page, showing one or more bits of text from the page that are most relevant to your search. Clicking the text will take you directly to that part of the page. 
  •  Google Reader Notifier
  •  Google Share Button:
    The same Google Share Button found in Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox is now available as an extension for Google Chrome. Click the Share button and select your desired service from the drop-down menu. Frequently used services will appear at the top of the menu, and you can find more services by clicking "View more services" at the bottom of the Options menu. "addthis" is a better service.
  •  Google Sidewiki
  •  Google Similar Pages beta
    Explore webpages similar to the one you're browsing. This extension adds a button the toolbar that you can click to find webpages that are similar to the page you're browsing. When you click the button, your browser searches Google for you to see if there are any webpages similar to the page you're browsing.
  •  Google Translate.
    instantly translate entire webpages. This extension shows a banner at the top of the page whenever it detects that the language of a page you're on is different from the language you're using for your Google Chrome interface. Click the Translate button in the banner to automatically translate the page. You can also click the extension's button  to translate the page.
  •  Google Voice
    This extension adds a button to the toolbar that shows the number of unread messages in your Google Voice inbox. You can click the button to instantly see transcripts of your messages. You can also place a call or send a free text message via Google Voice from the button pop-up.
  •  Knol Buddy
    This extension considers the page you are viewing and finds the most relevant knol for it. Click the button on the toolbar to visit the knol.
  •  News Reader
  •  orkut
  •  RSS Subscription
  •  Secbrowsing Plug-in Version Checker
    This extension alerts you through an address bar icon if you have a browser plug-in that's outdated. 
  •  Select to Get Maps
    Instantly convert addresses into map links.This extension converts addresses you select on a web page into a map link. A pop-up appears with useful links for directions or to see the address on a map.
  •  Send from Gmail
    This extension sets Gmail to open by default whenever you click an email address on a webpage. It also adds a button to the toolbar that you can click to email the link of the page you're on, as well as any text you've selected, using Gmail. To use an Google Apps email account with this extension, right-click the button and select Options. Enter your Google Apps domain and click Save.
  •  Slideshow
    Turn your favorite photo sites into a slideshow.This extension adds a slideshow icon in the address bar whenever you visit Picasa, Flickr, Facebook, or Google Images. Click the icon to transform the page you're on into a slideshow. To go back to the standard view, click the x button at the top of the page.
  •  Speed Tracer
    Get insights about your web application performance. This extension is geared for web developers who want to see performance statistics for their web applications. Click the button added to the toolbar to get a better picture of where time is being spent in your application. The extension visualizes metrics that are taken from low level instrumentation points inside of the browser and analyzes them as your application runs. You can analyze problems caused by:
    • Javascript parsing and execution
    • Layout
    • CSS style recalculation and selector matching
    • DOM Event handling
    • Network resource loading
    • Timer fires
    • XMLHttpRequest callbacks
    • Painting
  • To use this extension, make sure you're using the developer version of Google Chrome and running the browser with the following command line flag: --enable-extension-timeline-api

all services of AddThis sharing button menu;one-click service;blogger, google plusone buzz,translate, gmail; bookmarking simple;

343 services (data@july 2011). makes sharing simple.
see also:

All Services with the addThis extension for your browser:

(red: i tested this service; see some comments)

1) 100zakladok "100zakladok"
2) 2tag "2 Tag"
3) 2linkme "2linkme"
4) 7live7 ""
5) a1webmarks "A1-Webmarks"
6) a97abi "A97abi"
7) addio ""
8) adfty "Adfty"
9) adifni "Adifni"
10) aerosocial "aero"
11) allmyfaves "All My Faves"
12) amazonwishlist "Amazon"
13) amenme "Amen Me!"
14) aim "Aol Lifestream"
15) aolmail "AOL Mail"
16) armenix "Armenix"
17) arto "Arto"
18) aviary "Aviary Capture"
19) baang "Baang"
20) baidu "Baidu"
21) bebo "Bebo"
22) bentio "Bentio"
23) biggerpockets "BiggerPockets"
24) bitly ""
25) bizsugar "bizSugar"
26) bleetbox "Bleetbox"
27) blinklist "Blinklist"
28) blip "Blip"
29) blogger "Blogger" (same of blog this)
30) bloggy "Bloggy"
31) blogmarks "Blogmarks"
32) blogtrottr "Blogtrottr"
33) blurpalicious "Blurpalicious"
34) boardlite "Boardlite"
35) bobrdobr "Bobrdobr"
36) bonzobox "BonzoBox"
37) socialbookmarkingnet "BookmarkingNet"
38) bookmarkycz ""
39) bookmerkende "Bookmerken"
40) bordom "Bordom"
41) box "" (add link in you
42) brainify "Brainify"
43) bryderi "Bryderi"
44) buddymarks "BuddyMarks"
45) buzzzy "Buzzzy"
46) camyoo "Camyoo"
47) cardthis "CardThis"
48) care2 "Care2"
49) chiq "Chiq"
50) cirip "Cirip"
51) citeulike "CiteULike"
52) classicalplace "ClassicalPlace"
53) clickazoo "Clickazoo"
54) cndig "Cndig"
55) colivia ""
56) technerd "Communicate"
57) connotea "Connotea"
58) cootopia "cOOtopia"
59) cosmiq "COSMiQ"
60) curateus "Curate.Us"
61) delicious "Delicious"
62) designbump "DesignBump"
63) designmoo "Designmoo"
64) digthiswebhost "Dig This Webhost"
65) digaculturanet "DigaCultura"
66) digg "Digg"
67) diggita "Diggita"
68) diglog "diglog"
69) digo "Digo"
70) digzign "Digzign"
71) diigo "Diigo"
72) dipdive "Dipdive"
73) domelhor "doMelhor"
74) dosti "Dosti"
75) dotnetkicks "DotNetKicks"
76) dotnetshoutout "DotNetShoutout"
77) woscc "DotShare"
78) douban "Douban"
79) draugiem ""
80) drimio "Drimio"
81) dropjack "Dropjack"
82) dwellicious "Dwellicious"
83) dzone "dzone"
84) edelight "edelight"
85) efactor "EFactor"
86) ekudos "eKudos"
87) elefantapl ""
88) email "Email"
89) embarkons "Embarkons"
90) eucliquei "euCliquei"
91) evernote "Evernote"
92) extraplay "extraplay"
93) ezyspot "EzySpot"
94) fabulously40 "Fabulously40"
95) facebook "Facebook"
96) informazione "Fai Informazione"
97) fark "Fark"
98) farkinda "Farkinda"
99) fashiolista "Fashiolista"
100) fashionburner "Fashion BURNER"
101) favable "FAVable"
102) faves "Faves"
103) favlogde "favlog"
104) favoritende ""
105) favoritus "Favoritus"
106) flaker "Flaker"
107) flosspro ""
108) folkd "Folkd"
109) followtags "FollowTags"
110) forceindya "forceindya"
111) formspring "Formspring"
112) thefreedictionary "FreeDictionary"
113) fresqui "Fresqui"
114) friendfeed "FriendFeed"
115) friendster "Friendster"
116) funp "funP"
117) fwisp "fwisp"
118) gabbr "Gabbr"
119) gacetilla "Gacetilla"
120) gamekicker "Gamekicker"
121) givealink "GiveALink"
122) globalgrind "GlobalGrind"
123) gmail "Gmail" (send the URL of page to you Gmail)
124) goodnoows "Good Noows"
125) google "Google"  (add the page in your google bookmarks)
126) google_plusone "Google +1" (if the URL has not plusone button; you can use this service )
127) googlebuzz "Google Buzz" (if the URL has not buzz button; you can use this service )
128) googlereader "Google Reader"
129) googletranslate "Google Translate" (you can translate the page)
130) gravee "Gravee"
131) greaterdebater "GreaterDebater"
132) grono ""
133) grumper "Grumper"
134) habergentr ""
135) hackernews "Hacker News"
136) hadashhot "Hadash Hot"
137) hatena "Hatena"
138) gluvsnap "Healthimize"
139) hedgehogs ""
140) hellotxt "HelloTxt"
141) hipstr "hipstr"
142) historious "Historious"
143) hitmarks "Hitmarks"
144) hotbookmark "Hot Bookmark"
145) hotklix "Hotklix"
146) hotmail "Hotmail"
147) w3validator "HTML Validator"
148) hyves "Hyves"
149) idearef "ideaREF!"
150) identica "Identica"
151) igoogle "iGoogle"
152) ihavegot "ihavegot"
153) index4 "Index4"
154) indexor "Indexor"
155) instapaper "Instapaper"
156) investorlinks "InvestorLinks"
157) iorbix "iOrbix"
158) isociety "iSociety"
159) iwiw "iWiW"
160) jamespot "Jamespot"
161) jappy "Jappy Ticker"
162) joliprint "JoliPrint"
163) jumptags "Jumptags"
164) zooloo "KaBlog"
165) kaboodle "Kaboodle"
166) kaevur "Kaevur"
167) kaixin "Kaixin Repaste"
168) kipup "Kipup"
169) kirtsy "KiRTSY"
170) kledy "Kledy"
171) kommenting "Kommenting"
172) latafaneracat "La tafanera"
173) laaikit "Laaikit"
174) ladenzeile "Ladenzeile"
175) librerio "Librerio"
176) linkninja "Link Ninja"
177) linkagogo "Link-a-Gogo"
178) linkedin "LinkedIn"
179) linksgutter "Links Gutter"
180) linkshares "LinkShares"
181) linkuj ""
182) livefavoris "Livefavoris"
183) livejournal "LiveJournal"
184) lockerblogger "LockerBlogger"
185) logger24 ""
186) lynki "Lynki"
187) mymailru ""
188) markme "Markme"
189) mashbord "Mashbord"
190) mawindo "Mawindo"
191) meccho "Meccho"
192) meinvz "meinVZ"
193) mekusharim "Mekusharim"
194) memonic "Memonic"
195) memori ""
196) meneame "Menéame"
197) live "Messenger"
198) mindbodygreen "Mindbodygreen"
199) misterwong "Mister Wong"
200) misterwong_de "Mister Wong DE"
201) mixx "Mixx"
202) moemesto ""
203) moikrug "Moikrug"
204) mototagz "mototagz"
205) mrcnetworkit "mRcNEtwORK"
206) multiply "Multiply"
207) myaol "myAOL"
208) myhayastan "MyHayastan"
209) mylinkvault "mylinkvault"
210) myspace "Myspace"
211) n4g "N4G"
212) naszaklasa "Nasza-klasa"
213) netlog "NetLog"
214) netvibes "Netvibes"
215) netvouz "Netvouz"
216) newsmeback "NewsMeBack"
217) newstrust "NewsTrust"
218) newsvine "Newsvine"
219) nujij "Nujij"
220) odnoklassniki_ru "Odnoklassniki"
221) oknotizie "OKNOtizie"
222) oneview "oneview"
223) ongobee "OnGoBee"
224) orkut "orkut"
225) dashboard "OS X Dashboard" (Problem?)
226) osmosus "Osmosus"
227) oyyla "Oyyla"
228) packg "Packg"
229) pafnetde ""
230) pdfonline "PDF Online"
231) pdfmyurl "PDFmyURL"
232) phonefavs "PhoneFavs"
233) pimpthisblog "PimpThisBlog"
234) pingfm ""
235) planypus "Planypus"
236) plaxo "Plaxo"
237) plurk "Plurk"
238) pochvalcz ""
239) popedition "PopEdition"
240) posteezy "Posteezy"
241) posterous "Posterous"
242) pratiba ""
243) printfriendly "PrintFriendly"
244) pusha "Pusha"
245) qrfin ""
246) quantcast "Quantcast" (load the quantcast page with the URL of the page)
247) qzone "Qzone"
248) readitlater "Read It Later"
249) reddit "Reddit"
250) rediff "Rediff MyPage"
251) redkum "RedKum"
252) ridefix "RideFix"
253) scoopat ""
254) segnalo "Segnalo"
255) sekoman "Sekoman"
256) select2gether "Select2Gether"
257) shaveh "Shaveh"
258) shetoldme "SheToldMe"
259) shirintar "ShirIntarIn"
260) simpy "Simpy"
261) sinaweibo "Sina Weibo"
262) slashdot "Slashdot"
263) smiru "SMI"
264) sodahead "SodaHead"
265) sonico "Sonico"
266) speedtile "Speedtile"
267) sphinn "Sphinn"
268) spinsnap "SpinSnap"
269) spokentoyou "Spoken To You"
270) sportpost "sportpost"
271) yiid ""
272) springpad "springpad"
273) spruzer "Spruzer"
274) squidoo "Squidoo"
275) startaid "Startaid"
276) startlap "Startlap"
277) storyfollower "Story Follower"
278) studivz "studiVZ"
279) stuffpit "Stuffpit"
280) stumbleupon "StumbleUpon"
281) stumpedia "Stumpedia"
282) stylehive "Stylehive"
283) svejo "Svejo"
284) symbaloo "Symbaloo"
285) taaza "Taaza"
286) tagmarksde ""
287) tagvn "Tagvn"
288) tagza "Tagza"
289) tarpipe "tarpipe"
290) tellmypolitician "TellMyPolitician"
291) thewebblend "The Web Blend"
292) thinkfinity "Thinkfinity"
293) thisnext "ThisNext"
294) throwpile "Throwpile"
295) tipd "Tipd"
296) topsitelernet "TopSiteler"
297) transferr "Transferr"
298) tuenti "Tuenti"
299) tulinq "Tulinq"
300) tumblr "Tumblr"
301) tusul "Tusul"
302) tvinx "Tvinx"
303) tweetmeme "TweetMeme"
304) twitter "Twitter" (tweet the URL of the page)
305) twitthis "TwitThis"
306) typepad "Typepad"
307) upnews ""
308) urlaubswerkde "Urlaubswerk"
309) viadeo "Viadeo"
310) virb "Virb"
311) visitezmonsite "Visitez Mon Site"
312) vk "Vkontakte"
313) vkrugudruzei "vKruguDruzei"
314) voxopolis "VOXopolis"
315) vybralisme "vybrali SME"
316) vyoom "Vyoom"
317) webnews "Webnews"
318) domaintoolswhois "Whois Lookup"
319) windows "Windows Gadgets"
320) windycitizen "Windy Citizen"
321) wirefan "WireFan"
322) wordpress "Wordpress"
323) worio "Worio"
324) wykop "Wykop"
325) xanga "Xanga"
326) xing "XING"
327) yahoobkm "Y! Bookmarks" (add URL of the page to your Y! Bookmarks)
328) yahoomail "Y! Mail"
329) yammer "Yammer"
330) yardbarker "Yardbarker"
331) yemle "Yemle"
332) yigg "Yigg"
333) yoolink "Yoolink"
334) yorumcuyum "Yorumcuyum"
335) youblr "Youblr."
336) youbookmarks "Youbookmarks"
337) youmob "YouMob"
338) yuuby "Yuuby"
339) zakladoknet ""
340) zanatic "Zanatic"
341) ziczac "ZicZac"
342) zingme "ZingMe"
343) zootool "Zootool"