blogger/blogspot post editor
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Open Software as a service (SaaS). Ex-ample just below, change "Put your text" and you will see:
function pmstruct = getpubmed(searchterm,varargin) % GETPUBMED Search PubMed database & write results to MATLAB structure
% Error checking for required input SEARCHTERM if(nargin<1) error('GETPUBMED:NotEnoughInputArguments',... 'SEARCHTERM is missing.'); end
% Set default settings for property name/value pairs, % 'NUMBEROFRECORDS' and 'DATEOFPUBLICATION' maxnum = 50; % NUMBEROFRECORDS default is 50 pubdate = ''; % DATEOFPUBLICATION default is an empty string
% Parsing the property name/value pairs num_argin = numel(varargin); for n = 1:2:num_argin arg = varargin{n}; switch lower(arg) % If NUMBEROFRECORDS is passed, set MAXNUM case 'numberofrecords' maxnum = varargin{n+1}; % If DATEOFPUBLICATION is passed, set PUBDATE case 'dateofpublication' pubdate = varargin{n+1}; end end
% Create base URL for PubMed db site baseSearchURL = '';
% Set db parameter to pubmed dbOpt = '&db=pubmed'; % Set term parameter to SEARCHTERM and PUBDATE % (Default PUBDATE is '') termOpt = ['&term=',searchterm,'+AND+',pubdate]; % Set report parameter to medline reportOpt = '&report=medline'; % Set format parameter to text formatOpt = '&format=text'; % Set dispmax to MAXNUM % (Default MAXNUM is 50) maxOpt = ['&dispmax=',num2str(maxnum)];
% Create search URL searchURL = [baseSearchURL,dbOpt,termOpt,reportOpt,formatOpt,maxOpt];
medlineText = urlread(searchURL);
hits = regexp(medlineText,'PMID-.*?(?=PMID|$)','match');
pmstruct = struct('PubMedID','','PublicationDate','','Title','',... 'Abstract','','Authors','','Citation','');
for n = 1:numel(hits) pmstruct(n).PubMedID = regexp(hits{n},'(?<=PMID- ).*?(?=\n)','match', 'once'); pmstruct(n).PublicationDate = regexp(hits{n},'(?<=DP - ).*?(?=\n)','match', 'once'); pmstruct(n).Title = regexp(hits{n},'(?<=TI - ).*?(?=PG -|AB -)','match', 'once'); pmstruct(n).Abstract = regexp(hits{n},'(?<=AB - ).*?(?=AD -)','match', 'once'); pmstruct(n).Authors = regexp(hits{n},'(?<=AU - ).*?(?=\n)','match'); pmstruct(n).Citation = regexp(hits{n},'(?<=SO - ).*?(?=\n)','match', 'once'); end
Note The notation matlabroot is the MATLAB root directory, which is the directory where the MATLAB software is installed on your system. |
2) javascript
SyntaxHighlighter could be a solution. It solves your problem for make a page with look nice source code.
SyntaxHighlighter: SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.
version: 3.0.83
Used by: Apache, Mozilla, Wordpress, Bug Labs...
Download SyntaxHighlighter here
- Unzip and upload the following files to your webspace (googlepages is a great place)
- SyntaxHighlighter.css
- shCore.js’
- shBrushCpp.js (or whatever code you wish to use on your blog)
- Go to your Dashboard/Layout/Edit HTML
- Backup Your Template
- Add the following code (see below) right after the tag...
3) WordPress Source Code Plugin: Wordpress have created a shortcode. This shortcode preserves its formatting and even provides syntax highlighting for certain languages just with a simple wrap like below.
4) Put your code between the "textarea" html tag.
many javascript web applications that will format source code text into html for inserting into your blog: