Sometimes I have to put text on a path

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What is my blog ID number (

Each  has its own unique ID number.

Select the page "dashboard" of blogger.
Select "edit posts", you will see: 
(it is for this blog).
For your blog:
blogID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxx is your ID number (19 numbers).
---------------- has the blogID=4397760651189026054

There are two styles of embed codes that are available for YouTube videos; youtube and blogger blogspot; iframe ; youtube autoshare

Compare the video window with the insert button of the blogger post editor (
and the video inserted with the embed code given by youtube
when you upload your video (see the HTML code of this post ).
This HTML code uses object and embed tags:

---------------- or via youtube URL; just clic on this link:
The ID of this video is : H0v5tGIsne4 (11 characters).
if you use the embed code given by youtube with the "share button",
the tag is "iframe":

There are many differences with the video of the beginnig of this post.
In your blogger post editor, you can see the first image of your video (iframe).

Snapshots : the "iframe code"

There are two styles of embed codes that are available for YouTube videos. The new embed code begins with iframe... and supports both Flash and HTML5 video and then it is the best method. The older style of embed code begins with object... and only supports Flash playback.

the link between your and your youtube is manual (this post) but with other web services (facebook, twitter, reader, buzz, orkut, MySpace; 6 services @ june 2011), it 's automatic:

See some snapshots of youTube autoShare :
 after linking youtube access with twitter and buzz, you will get the messages:

Then all your activities in youtube are published to twitter and buzz...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Don't use the "insert video" of the blogger editor! Publish on youtube first; error Blog ID

                                                                         (résumé en français à la fin)
Add video to your blog is easy with the "insert video" button of the blogger editor  is not interoperable.

You should never upload your video by using default offer inside blogger Blog. 

There are 2 ways to add video to your blogger blogspot.
  1. upload from your hard-disk to youtube (or dailymotion...) and add/share a YOUTUBE Video in your post. This first solution is better and interoperable.
  2. with the "insert video" of the blogger video editor and upload from your hard-disk 
Don't use this second solution and this is my analysis:

Videos uploaded through Blogger are hosted in sub-domains of  (@ june 2011) with processing/embed/playerFlash with youtube. The blogger videos are kept private and will are not included in Google Video search (
If you want to publish at several sites and blogs, first publish your video in YouTube or DailyMotion...
And after, you must embed your YouTube Video.

There are two styles of embed codes that are available for YouTube videos
  1. To embed a video from YouTube in blogger, just copy the code from the "Embed" box on the video's YouTube page (2 ways). You can find the "Embed" box in the "About This Video" box when you're watching the video. You can also get the code from the "Embed HTML" box on the "Edit Video" page if the video belongs to your YouTube account.
  2. To embed a YouTube video within a blog post, first click "Edit HTML" from within the post editor. Next, paste the video's code into the body of your post. That's it!
If you post YouTube videos to your blog regularly, sharing directly from YouTube is even easier and you'll only have to set it up once:
  1. Click the "Share" button on the YouTube video's page
  2. Scroll down and click "Setup your blog for video posting."
  3. Click "Add a Blog/Site"
  4. Choose "Blogger" as your Blog Service and fill in your Google Account login information.
  5. Choose which blogs you'd like to add to your YouTube account. You can choose more than one.
  6. From now on, when you click "Share", you'll be given the option to post YouTube videos directly to your blogs!
In mid June 2011, Google decided to end the dichotomy of Google Video versus YouTube, and concentrate their video hosting for Blogger blogs with YouTube:

Sometimes an error occurs:
"Sorry, there was an error uploading your video. Please contact support and include the following information:
Blog Id:123456
Video Id: 123456789

It is clear  don't use the blogger editor "insert video"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pour publier des video sur son blogspot:
il y a 3 methodes:
 1) dans l'éditeur de post/billet de blogger en cliquant sur l'icone "insertion video"
     C'est une très mauvaise méthode: ce billet
                                                       (je sais c'est en anglais mais ca reste lisible)
2) dans youtube (ou autre comme dailyMotion),
il y a 2 methodes:
    2-a) encapsuler (embed) classique
    2-b) encapsulé avec une "iframe" (HTML5)-->meilleur méthode

Best video format for Blogger upload? Add a Video in a Blog.

"insert image" button creates an upload and at the end a link to 1, 2,3 or but "insert video" is more complex.
I think that "insert video" of your blogger editor is not good at all, but bellow, i explain some tips.

With this awful "insert video", and after your upload from your hard-disk, your video file 1) is processed and 2) needs a player.
Your video is transformed, hosted on youtube (, and embed in your blog (in order to use the adobe flash player and this player must be installed).

Many Video file formats are available for your video: AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, Real, Windows Media.
I think that H264 video format with 320X240 is a good compromise for a blog
(if you don't know H264 codec, see:

If your video is lower than 320X240, it will be transformed to 320X240pixels video with very bad effects:

If you upload a 320X240 file, then:

If you click (right on PC or ctrl on mac) on your video post then you get this menu:

Select "show video info"
("take speed test" gives many data on your connection).

I published an analysis of the HTML code of the video blogger widget:

a WepP image in blogger

below, a WebP image:

ALL google services ("apps script"; "apps script gadget") in; "hello world" with GAS

Unlike browser-based JavaScript, the scripts you write run directly on Google servers in order to provide direct access to the products they control. 
The Google Apps Script language is JavaScript. The Google Apps platform holds a bounty of features that let one bring robust applications without the need for any software or server configuration (GAS use google servers). 

Google Apps Script (GAS) can be developed using the Script Editor in Sites.
Apps Script can be embedded in a Sites page using an Apps Script gadget (each Apps Script gadget uses a pre-developed Apps Script).

Before you start,
1) you MUST understand the security model of GAS :
 the owner of a script is the user who created that script. Every script embedded in a Sites page executes under the identity of the owner of the script or could be shared to.
2) you MUST understand the IU services (UI user Interface):
tutorial guides (Hello):

list : 
 script templates gallery

GAS blog:

You don't have to be a programmer to use Google Apps Script.
If you're not a JavaScript programmer, read the whole document, which contains detailed walk-throughs of many code snippets and short programs:
 You'll find learning Google Apps Script easier if you are familiar with Spreadsheet macros (excel) and formulas and with programming logic structures such as loops, conditional statements, and switch statements.

---------------------first ex-ample: "the hello world" application
This tutorial guides you through the steps of creating a hello world application using Google Sites and Google Apps Script. You implement this application by embedding a script in a Google Sites page.

insert many google services and gadgets in; your blogspot in a page of googleSites

Integration/convergence and interoperability between google products/services: "google sites" and blogger

  1. log in with google account.
  2. go to your
  3. Create page and Edit Page.
  4. Select menu "Insert" (top left).
  5. Go down to the bottom of the list and select "More Gadgets".
  6. Use search bar and type in Blogger.  Hit search.
  7. Use embed Blogger (see below).
  8. This will insert a smaller version of you blogger on that page, to your size specs. for classic templates select a width of 950pix.

     with properties, you can adjust with better precision.
    And the result is your in a page of your google.sites:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

the small content manager service of Google Sites, and link/host a file (javascript or txt) into blogger

If you want to upload and manage a .txt file with Google Sites,
then you will use  the small content manager service of GoogleSites.

two ways:
I) File cabinet
II) Attachments

I) File cabinet
select "create page" and "file cabinet" and you get this user interface to upload:

II) Attachments--------Step 1
create a new page (with the name "js") at the top level (you will use as a directory)
This page will be located at /site/NAMEofYourSite/js
click create page:

--------Step 2
go to manage site in the following menu:

--------Step 3
select "attachments"
and click the button "upload".
A window will appear (see below) and click "upload".
Choose "Select a different location" and click  js.

This user interface for the content management service is very bad, isn't?

--------Step 4
Then your file "NeonLightsText_noTag_js.txt" appears.
You can see the location, the size, the last update and the revision.
This part of  the content management service is better.
Click right on the download link and copy this link.
You have to clean this link (no https, and the end of your link must be .txt) 
in order to get this link:

--------Step 5
copy this link with script tag in your blogger gadget HTML/javascript (see below).
Then Blogger can use this content management service.

Rem: with , a free web hosting service (same of google-sites) has a better file management service.
You can also use yola for hosting you javascript file in the same way:

Where to host Javascript for blogger blogs?


Blogger does not provide file hosting (except for photos and videos, in fact in Picasaweb, and templates).
This poses problem if you want to add a widget or a feature that uses Javascript (with one or many files).
Where do you put the scripts then?
Below are 3 options you have when adding Javascripts to your
  1. Put it in the HTML/javascript blogger gadget (or in your template). If the script is small and used only for that particular gadget/widget then this is the best method. Select this method because it’s easier to install, uninstall, no links, etc.
    See the left-sidebar of this blog for some examples (see "no external js").
    See also:
    If the script is accessed from outside of a widget/gadget or from more than one places in your template, put it in your template. But if you change your template without copying this modification, your code will be broken. Not safe method.
  2. Host the javascript file outside of Blogger server with a content managements service or a web hosting service.
    2-1) with a web hosting service. GOOGLE.SITES: You can select the google free web hosting service : "Google Sites" (Site storage only 100MB).
    GoogleSites has a little content management service:
    And Google Sites doesn’t accept js files.

      a)But a .js file is in fact a .txt file then change the javascript file into a text file, by changing the file extension from .js to .txt, (and add-js_ before .txt)  then your filename is CODE-js_.txt.

      b) The external script must not contain the script tags (no HTML tags). After uploading the file to Google Sites, get the link to the file and use it in the code (the link to the file will begin with https) and to make it work, you need to change https to http when adding to the code:

    2-2) with a web hosting service. I like but you cannot upload a .js file but you can use the same trick (.txt). Moreover you can immediately test your code with the script tags:

    2-3) with a content management for the free service, the name of your file changes:
     it is not good at all (also, etc...). See point 5 below.

  3. Yola has also a small, efficient and simple content management service. This service is sufficient (and stockage = 1GB) and you can immediately test the code:
    (see the difference with no external file:
    Then you can easily develop your javascript with yola.

    But many persons think that you cannot use these external files in your blogger blog... (see the links, point 4 below). It seems that it was a decision of google: "for abuse prevention measures" (message @ 2009)... I try and it works : see the left side-bar of this blog.

    The ".js to .txt hack" should work equally well in both Blogger  or google sites custom domain.
    see also the content management service of :

  4. The help forum's threads below discussed the .js files and bloger and google sites:
    see also:

  5. more info on content management services:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

different release channels: download chrome developper channel for mac windows linux

Chrome supports a number of different release channels.  We use these channels to slowly roll out updates to users, starting with our close to daily Canary channel builds, all the way up to our Stable channel releases that happen every 6 weeks roughly.

-------------Dev channel (alpha channel):
Google has released Chrome 14.0.797.0 Dev (@ june, 2011), a new alpha build of their web browser for Mac, Windows, and Linux users. Also available for Chrome Frame users, the new release brings an updated V8 engine, and a bunch of platform specific tweaks, including one for Mac users.

Want to see what's happening quickly, then you want the Dev channel.  The Dev channel gets updated once or twice weekly, and it shows what we're working on right now.  There's no lag between major versions, whatever code we've got, you will get.  While this build does get tested, it is still subject to bugs, as we want people to see what's new as soon as possible.
link dev channel for mac:

------------beta channel

Canary is a lightweight java desktop application that interact with twitter online service.
Canary is an attempt to create a very lightweight Java desktop application to monitor and update the Twitter online "What Are You Doing" service. Its main advantages are that:
  • it's lightweight (some effort has been made to keep it that way) so one does not need to load a fat browser to monitor twitter;
  • it only uses POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects);
  • it's open source so one can modify the hell out of it;
  • Fast start-up
    Google Chrome launches in a snap.
  • Fast loading
    Google Chrome loads web pages quickly.
  • Fast search
    Search the web right from the address bar.
Canary was designed as a tutorial project and hence is fairly rough and unsophisticated at this point. More enhancements are planned for the future, due right about the time Vista becomes a robust and viable operating system.

web2.0 services, How to post mathematics?: all-in-one for Mathematica and Matlab, subdomains

An analysis of subdomains with alexa @june 2011:
In this blog, you also can search in many "sub-directories":
The other subdomains are just internals.

Web Deployment of MATLAB is not good (i.e. no widgets):
MATLAB allows interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++ and Java (and Fortran). MATLAB can be connected to Mathematica and vice-versa.

The web service"file Exchange" is correct:
File Exchange is a place in the MATLAB Central community where users can find and share content related to MATLAB development. Find example code samples (.m), tutorials or videos to help you with your development tasks. You can:
  • Find files related to your programming interest
  • Comment on and rate files
  • Tag files
  • Build your reputation by contributing your own submissions

An analysis of subdomains with alexa @june 2011:
Mathematica has many very good web services.
The best is :
 MathWorld is considered not only the clearest and most readable online resource for mathematics, but also one of the most reliable.
7000demonstrations @ june 2011.
You need the free CDF player to use these demonstrations.

Once you install CDF Player, you'll be able to...
  • Interact with applications from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project
  • Explore interactive documents in your web browser
  • View Mathematica examples, reports, and files.
Computable Document Format (CDF):
 As a built-in feature of Mathematica 8, it's easy to save .cdf files straight from your working notebooks, custom-formatted papers and articles, or dedicated application development workflows. Anything you compute in Mathematica can be made into a user-interactive object offering maximum clarity in the presentation of your concepts, and there are no special considerations when creating documents just for viewing in Wolfram CDF Player; all notebook features can be displayed and printed.
Three platforms: windows, linux and mac.
For mac, you have to dowload CDFPlayer_8.0.1_OSX.dmg  = 165MB (version 8.0.1 @March 2011).
The install needs 600MB on your hard-disk!
It also contains the browser plug-in (firefox).

Rem. you do not need the CDF Player if you have Mathematica installed.  In fact, the
browser plugin will always prefer to execute content in Mathematica instead of
CDF Player if both are installed. CDF Player does have a separate user interface.  Installing it alongside Mathematica would allow you to use both, but the browser plugin would only use Mathematica. You can select which installation the browser plugin chooses, but the default behavior is to always go for the one that will give you more functionality.  CDF player can open a .nb file.  But if that .nb file contains Dynamic content, then it will not play that content.  Whereas it will play Dynamic content in CDF files, with certain limitations.

If you already have CDF Player/mathematica installed on Windows or Mac, test the browser plug-in.
is an example of webMathematica:
webMathematica 3 adds dynamic content to a website. Websites with interactive controls compute new results when parameters change. Graphics, including 3D images, can be rotated in the browser. It's all powered by Mathematica's computation and visualization capabilities and webMathematica's robust, automatic server deployment that scales for high traffic and works seamlessly with modern web standards and services. webMathematica 3 adds dynamic content to your website. Websites with sliders and other interactive controls compute new results when parameters change. Graphics, including 3D images, can be rotated in the browser. It's all powered by Mathematica's computation and visualization capabilities and webMathematica's robust, automatic server deployment that scales for high traffic and works seamlessly with modern web standards and services.
Learn how to use Mathematica with the definitive guide: 10,000 pages with
Mathematica functions and tutorials and more than 100,000 Mathematica examples:
Eric Weisstein's World of Science contains budding encyclopedias of astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics. It's a complement of mathworld:

Get access to the Wolfram User Portal
  • View your registered products
  • Download your products and upgrades
  • Access your Premier Service benefits
  • Manage your profile

Use the Wolfram ID. A Wolfram ID is an account that allows you to securely access various Wolfram websites and services.
The Wolfram Library Archive is a collection of Mathematica-related materials that have been categorized for easy browsing and searching.

The Wolfram Functions Site was created as a resource for the educational, mathematical, and scientific communities. It contains the world's most encyclopedic collection of information about mathematical functions. The site also details the interrelationships between the special functions of mathematical physics and the elementary functions of mathematical analysis as well as the interrelationships between the functions in each group.

There are several unique aspects to the presentation of information on this site. The material is organized in a uniform way, thereby providing a summary of the current state of knowledge in the field of special functions.
  • All formulas are available not only in Mathematica StandardForm but also in MathML and ASCII form. 
  • Formulas in StandardForm enable their quick and easy usage from within Mathematica. 
  • MathML enables typeset mathematics to be displayed in web browsers and other programs that support it. 
  • ASCII form allows the information to be copied and manipulated in other programs that do not offer support for MathML.
this site uses webMathematica to discover unique musical patterns in the computational universe. With webMathematica as its backbone, WolframTones dynamically generates up to a month's worth of continuous music every minute, serving each composition from back-end to user in just three-hundredths of a second.
zmail is a component of Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS), a groupware product. VMware Zimbra is the leader in open source, next-generation email and collaboration software. Zimbra is simplifying information technology and setting the standard for web and cloud based collaboration with innovative user experiences, such as a rich AJAX web interface. The ZCS Web Client is a full-featured collaboration suite that supports email, group calendars and document sharing using an Ajax web interface that enables tool tips, drag-and-drop items, and right-click menus in the user interface.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ajouter le bouton d'abonnement twitter sur votre site ou votre

Add the Follow Button:
  1. go to your twitter
  2. clic on resources (see the picture below, red arrow)
  3. select "Follow button"
  4. select your options
  5. copy the HTML code in the blogger gadget HTML/javascript
  6. it's done!
Ajouter le bouton d'abonnement sur votre site :
  1. connectez-vous sur Twitter,
  2. cliquez sur ressources en bas du panneau de détails (voir la figure, flèche rouge),
  3. sélectionnez "Bouton Suivre",
  4. sélectionnez le bouton que vous souhaitez mettre sur votre site, personnalisez-le,
  5. copiez le code html dans votre site avec le gadget HTML/javascript,
  6. c'est terminé !
If you just want to tweet a post:
Si vous voulez juste tweeter:

share a post of your to twitter, facebook, blogger,blogspot,google buzz, +1, plusone; partager un billet de son blogger;

After each post, you have this horizontal list of buttons:

Il suffit de cliquer sur les boutons (à la fin de chaque article)  pour capturer ce billet dans un des six:
  1. to email 
  2. to your
  3. to twitter
  4. to facebook
  5. to google buzz
  6. to "+1" ,  google plusone.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Google Web Elements allow you to easily add your favorite Google products to your website.!/custom-search

Google Gadget or Blogger Gadget? english & français

 Blogger Gadget
When you build a gadget for Blogger, it becomes available to millions of active bloggers. Just submit your gadget to us, and it will immediately surface in where users can easily browse, configure, and add your gadget to their blog's sidebar.

Limitations: Blogger gadgets can be added to the blog's side bar, header, or footer regions as shown by the orange rectangle in the images below.

Un Gadget Blogger ne peut être inséré qu'aux endroits prévus à cet effet par Blogger (colonnes, en-tête ou pied du Blog).


Google Gadget 

At Google, gadgets are HTML and JavaScript applications that can be embedded in web pages and other apps, including Sites. These gadgets offer the ability to include external and dynamic content within your site.

Un Gadget Google peut être placé dans un message du Blog (voir les post de ce blog, label : gadget).
En plus il peut aller sur son iGoogle, sur son google sites...
