is a type of shared environment, where all users are running off of the same software. This is great because it allows us at Automattic to update millions of blogs at the same time with a single click. It means we can fix bugs or offer new features very quickly, which is a win for you as users. Having all users running on the same software can also be dangerous. If we aren’t careful, one user has the potential to take down the entire site. So this is why we need to limit some of the things you post on your blog.
If you wrote some code or pasted it in from another web site and then it disappeared after publishing the post, the code is likely being stripped out. If you feel it’s being stripped out improperly or if you would like to suggest additional types of code we should allow, please contact support.
HTML Tags allows the following HTML code in your posts, pages, and widgets:
address, a, abbr, acronym, b, big, blockquote, br, caption, cite, class, code, col, del, dd, div, dl, dt, em, font, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, li, ol, p, pre, q, s, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, tr, tt, ul, var
Check out W3 Schools for more information about what each of these HTML codes are used for.
If you are familiar with HTML, you’ll notice that codes such as
embed, frame, iframe, form, input, object, textarea
and others are missing from the above list. Those codes are not allowed on for security reasons.Javascript
Users are not allowed to post JavaScript on blogs. Javascript can be used for malicious purposes. Your code and intentions may be perfectly harmless, but it does not mean all javascript will be okay. The security of all the blogs is a top priority and until we can guarantee scripting languages will not be harmful they will not be permitted.
If you need proof of what Javascript can do, it has taken both and LiveJournal offline in the past.
You may want a bit of Javascript and it may well be harmless but as soon as the system allows it someone will try and exploit it.
JavaScript from trusted partners, such as YouTube and Google Video, is converted into a WordPress shortcode when a post is saved.
Flash and Other Embeds
Flash and all other embeds are not allowed in posts, pages, or text widgets. For security reasons we remove the tags needed for these to work. Your intentions may be innocent but someone somewhere would try to damage the site, affecting all of our users.
Posting Source Code
While doesn’t allow you to use potentially dangerous code on your blog, there is a way to post source code for viewing. We have created a shortcode you can wrap around source code that preserves its formatting and even provides syntax highlighting for certain languages, like so
#button {
Wrap your code in these tags:
[sourcecode language="css"][/sourcecode]
your code here
Any of the following can be used for the language parameter (using one is required):
<ul style="color:#444444;font-size:15px;line-height:1.6em;margin:0 0 20px 50px;padding:0;">
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">bash</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">cpp</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">csharp</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">css</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">delphi</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">html</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">java</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">jscript</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">php</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">python</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">ruby</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">shell</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">sql</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">vb</li>
<li style="margin:0 0 4px;padding:0;">xml</li>
Code in between the
tags will automatically be encoded for display, you don’t need to worry about HTML entities or anything.
Alex Gorbatchev’s syntaxhighlighter Google Code project was used to implement this feature.
----------- a limité fortement l'introduction de code (java,etc...). C'est simple: le embedded est nettoyé quand vous postez!!!!!!
Allowed HTML tags, They are:
address, a, abbr, acronym, b, big, blockquote, br, caption, cite, class, code, col, del, dd, div, dl, dt, em, font, h1…h6, hr, i, img, ins, kbd, li, p, pre, q, s, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, tr, tt, ul, ol, var.
Pour un vieux de gopher qui a vu, il y a 18ans, le protocole http et le langage html sortir avec son no-limit pour faire des virus, c'est une position intéressante. Et si on veut faire tout ce qui est possible en html et CSS alors il faut passer à et faire un host à qq $/an.
La version gratuite (déjà 3Go) ne permet même pas de mettre un MP3! On ne peut mettre que du : Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt.
Si on paie the Space Upgrade. This allows you to upload mp3, ogg, wav, m4a, mov, wmv, avi, and mpg files to your blog and play them too. Ce qui pour 20$ pour 5Go de plus donne 8Go de dispo.
The largest single file you can upload is about 75 Mb. If you need to upload large video or mp3 files, you should consider splitting them into several parts.
Par contre ils ont développé des trucs nommés "shortcodes" avec une balise qui commence par [ et finit par ].
Par contre ils ont développé des trucs nommés "shortcodes" avec une balise qui commence par [ et finit par ].
Remarque: contrairement à, pour, utiliser des shortcodes, il faut un plugin. … quicktags/
Pour, je vais donner une galerie de shortcodes.
Ils ont leurs propres accès à des players internes puis externes...
pour , on a ceci:
[ ?posts_id=919596&dest=-1]
pour youtube, googlevideo, dailymotion
[googlevideo= http://....
[dailymotion id=5zYRy1JLhuGlP3BGw]
----------------------MP3 audio
Le mieux est d'utiliser le widget de ""
Il suffit de s'inscrire :
Puis sur
il faut uploader les chansons de son choix, puis générer un petit code
qui est en fait du "embedded" (mais dans ce widget il est transformé pour le rendre secure ;o) ).Plus tard tout ajout de musique via
apparaitra dans la zone widget de son blog
Pour un seul fichier mp3 mis à un endroit du web,
le plus simple est :
ATTENTION: The player expects the file to be encoded at 44.1kHz
----------pb: il faut cliquer 2 fois...
---------------pour utiliser le service odeo player music et MEDIA Splashcast
We can embed Splashcast media into your blog.[splashcast CLIW1846SO]
-----------grouper devenu crackle
Some details you might want to know about: Autoplay will cause your video to start playing as soon as a visitor loads the page. Please respect your visitors! We have made sure that only the first Autoplay on a page will start automatically. You won’t have to worry about ten videos all playing at once. If you change your mind about Autoplay, you can edit the code in your post: ap~1 turns it on and ap~0 (that’s a zero) turns it off. This only works on un podtech
[podtech content=http://..............]
---------------pour flick video:
flickr video=2431720072]
flickr video=]
---------------pour :
[ 6118]
Note: Because Kyte provides live video streaming, chat and comments, many people use it to create live shows. If you embed a live show you might want to consider creating a separate page on your blog - for example you could call it “My Live Kyte Show” - and embedding the show there. That way your show will be permanently accessible from that page (if you were to embed it into a blog post instead, the show would scroll off the bottom of the page as you publish new blog posts).
Pour les video, il y a aussi le widget intégré : VodPod.
--- Can I have a slideshow?From, you can start a slideshow here.
The code you need is given when your creation is complete.
The code you get will work in posts and pages. It will not work in sidebars.
You can also use RockYou or Slideshare to create slideshows that can then be embedded in your blog.[
rockyou id=39325435]
You can specify the width and height if you want to:
rockyou id=39325435&w=400&h=300]
[slideshare id=....]
[ galerie ]
Galeries intégrées — ; quand nous tirons profit du téléchargement multifichier pour télécharger un groupe de photos, nous avons un nouveau shortcode qui nous laisse metre facilement des galeries en mettant juste [ galerie ] (sans espace). L'affichage des légendes sera affichée et les gens peuvent laisser ses observations sur les différentes photos. Voir exemple sur 1.200 images dans 23 galeries. Le shortcode a quelques options cachées aussi, contrôle hors de cette documentation.
Il est intéressant de voir la partie shortcode_API
New in WordPress 2.5.1 is the Shortcode API, a simple set of functions for creating macro codes for use in post content. A trivial shortcode looks like this: [galerie...]Il est intéressant de voir la partie shortcode_API
What is a shortcode?
A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally require lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut.
What shortcodes does WordPress use?
[archives] displays an archive index of your blog posts. See full instructions here.
[audio] converts a link to an mp3 file into an audio player. See full instructions here.
[] embeds a Video. See full instructions here.
[contact-form] adds a contact form to your page. See full instructions here.
[dailymotion] embeds a DailyMotion Video. See full instructions here.
[digg] embeds a voting button for your link on Digg. See full instructions here.
[flickr] embeds a Flickr video. See full instructions here.
[gallery] inserts an image gallery into a post or page.
[googlemaps] embeds Google Maps. See full instructions here.
[googlevideo] embeds a Google Video. See full instructions here.
[ ] embeds a Kyte.TV Video. See full instructions here.
[livevideo] embeds a video from LiveVideo. See full instructions here.
[odeo] embeds an Odeo audio file. See full instructions here.
[podtech] embeds audio or video from the PodTech Network. See full instructions here.
[polldaddy] embeds a PollDaddy poll (use without the space). See full instructions here.
[redlasso] embeds a video from Redlasso. See full instructions here.
[rockyou] embeds a slideshow from RockYou. See full instructions here.
[scribd] embeds a document/file from Scribd. See full instructions here.
[slideshare] embeds a slideshow from See full instructions here.
[soundcloud] embeds the SoundCloud Audio Player. See full instructions here.
[sourcecode] preserves the formatting of source code. See full instructions here.
[splashcast] embeds Splashcast media. See full instructions here.
[ted] embeds a TED Talks video. See full instructions here.
[vimeo] embeds a Vimeo video. See full instructions here.
[youtube] embeds a YouTube video. See full instructions here.