blogger subdomains: is the domain of the dashboard (list of all your blog)
"" and 2, 3, 4.bp : blogger hosts media in these "domains_servers" (image, etc...):
The image above (draft):
These 4 "servers" are equally used (1.5%). When you publish 4 images in a post, each image is dispatched on these 4 "servers".
------------- is a blog greek; est un blog d'info grec.
-------------- is the well-known google's blog.
Open Software as a service (SaaS). Ex-ample just below, change "Put your text" and you will see:
Online Services headline animator, feedBurner
Saturday, June 18, 2011
All about Dynamic Views for blogger-blogspot; personnaliser les vues dynamiques de son blospot via HTML5-ajax-CSS3
You can try this new views:
Vous pouvez essayer ce service de Blogger:
Since April 2011, Blogger has offered you the ability to present your content in several exciting ways.
Depuis avril 2100, Blogger permet de voir son blog de nouvelles façons très agréables.
These dynamic views will work on your blog if all of the following are true:
- Your blog is public. Your readers don’t need to sign in to view your blog.
- Your blog has feeds fully enabled. In the Settings | Site feed tab, you have enabled either Full or Jump Break for your Post Feed.
- You have not disabled dynamic views. In the Setting | Formatting tab, the option for Enable Dynamic Views is set to Yes.
If any of the above conditions are not true, users who attempt to access dynamic views for your blog will instead be taken to a landing page and redirected to your original blog in a few seconds:
"Sorry, dynamic views aren't available for this blog.
You'll be redirected to the blog homepage momentarily. Learn more"
L'affichage dynamique fonctionne sur votre blog si toutes les conditions suivantes sont réunies :
- Votre blog est public. Vos lecteurs peuvent consulter votre blog sans devoir se connecter.
- Vous avez activé les flux sans restriction pour votre blog. Vous avez sélectionné Complet ou Jusqu'au marqueur d'expansion pour l'option Flux de messages de blog dans l'onglet Paramètres | Flux d'actualisation.
- Vous n'avez pas désactivé les affichages dynamiques. Dans l'onglet Paramètres | Mise en forme, vous avez activé l'option Activer les affichages dynamiques .
Si l'une des conditions ci-dessus n'est pas remplie, les utilisateurs tentant de consulter votre blog en affichage dynamique accèdent en quelques secondes à sa page d'accueil habituelle, via une page de destination.
quel est le meilleur service de blog? commencer un blog gratuit; comparer les plateformes de blog pour un blog en français, blogger, wordpress, canalblog, over-blog
Ici nous comparons la popularité en France des 4 plateformes de blog gratuit.
Ce n'est pas une analyse technique sur comment poster, insérer les commentaires, etc...
Mais juste une analyse de popularité. et blogspot sont les premières plateformes au niveau mondial mais ce n'est pas forcément le cas en France comme nous allons le voir.
Le classement est fondé sur les données alexa moyennées sur 3mois (17mars-17juin 2011).
blogspot, blogger
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 5 (5ième rang sur les 100millions de sites référencés)
France: 11.
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 18.
Alexa Rank en France: 33.
Over-blog (siège social à Toulouse)
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 366.
Alexa Rank en France: 16.
Canalblog (siège social dans le Gers)
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 1365.
Alexa Rank en France: 73.
Ce n'est pas une analyse technique sur comment poster, insérer les commentaires, etc...
Mais juste une analyse de popularité. et blogspot sont les premières plateformes au niveau mondial mais ce n'est pas forcément le cas en France comme nous allons le voir.
Le classement est fondé sur les données alexa moyennées sur 3mois (17mars-17juin 2011).
blogspot, blogger
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 5 (5ième rang sur les 100millions de sites référencés)
France: 11.
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 18.
Alexa Rank en France: 33.
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 366.
Alexa Rank en France: 16.
Alexa Rank au niveau mondial: 1365.
Alexa Rank en France: 73.
On remarque que Canalblog et Over-blog sont massivement utilisés en France.
Si on pousse l'analyse, on remarque l'importance des blog sur la cuisine:
Pour canalblog, on a surtout des femmes de plus de 45ans (en vert=plus que la moyenne du web):
Remarque sur la pub:
- créer un blog gratuit et sans publicité imposée et sans partage des revenus publicitaires: UN SEUL ------>blogspot.
- est sans publicité sauf si votre site dépasse quelques milliers de pagesVues/mois. A partir de 25 000pagesVues/mois: les pubs (seulement google adsense) avec partage des revenus à 50%.
- canalblog est à publicité imposée.
- Le service "Partenariat Droit d'auteur"d'over-blog se propose de partager les revenus de la publicité avec l'auteur du blog.
Google feedBurner has many real-time web2.0 "publicize" services (very interesting with blogger, blogspot, wordpress, any blog)
- You can directly publish a headline animator (see Customize by drag and drop an animated banner that cycles through your feed's five most recent items. It's an easy way to promote your content anywhere you can place a snippet of HTML.
step 1:
step 2: select publicize and headline animator item - Connect your feed to the real-time social web! With Socialize, FeedBurner will automatically post updates from your feed to your social media account.
step 1:
step 2: select publicize and socialize item - Promote your FeedBurner feed directly on your website. Place HTML that Chicklet Chooser automatically generates for you in your site templates to help users easily subscribe to your feed.
step 1:
step 2: select publicize and "Chicklet Chooser" item.
Item Limit
As your feed updates throughout the day, FeedBurner picks up your feed and looks for new items. The Socialize service will detect these new items and post up to 5 of them to twitter at a time. Note that the speed with which feed updates can get to FeedBurner will affect this service. To ensure your feed updates in near real time, make sure you ping us immediately after your feed updates and that your blog platform is configured to use PubSubHubub. If none of these options are used for making your feed near real time, the Socialize service will look for and update with any new feed items every 30 minutes.
How do I make sure updates to my feed are delivered to feed readers as fast as possible?
This encourages users to engage in more active participation online and makes the web more dynamic than ever before.
Since July 10, 2009, feedBurner has used PubSubHubbub protocol ( The protocol can be used to transform any existing Atom and RSS feed on the web into a real-time stream. Best of all, it's open, free, and decentralized like the rest of what makes the web so great. As of right now, burned feeds with the PingShot service enabled are automatically enhanced with the PubSubHubbub protocol. We'll add the required discovery elements to these feeds and notify a Google-run Hub, running on App Engine, of publish events. We also convert any pings we receive into 'Hubbub events. That means for many of our publishers out there, your existing feeds are available as real-time streams right now.
As your feed updates throughout the day, FeedBurner picks up your feed and looks for new items. The Socialize service will detect these new items and post up to 5 of them to twitter at a time. Note that the speed with which feed updates can get to FeedBurner will affect this service. To ensure your feed updates in near real time, make sure you ping us immediately after your feed updates and that your blog platform is configured to use PubSubHubub. If none of these options are used for making your feed near real time, the Socialize service will look for and update with any new feed items every 30 minutes.
How do I make sure updates to my feed are delivered to feed readers as fast as possible?
This encourages users to engage in more active participation online and makes the web more dynamic than ever before.
Since July 10, 2009, feedBurner has used PubSubHubbub protocol ( The protocol can be used to transform any existing Atom and RSS feed on the web into a real-time stream. Best of all, it's open, free, and decentralized like the rest of what makes the web so great. As of right now, burned feeds with the PingShot service enabled are automatically enhanced with the PubSubHubbub protocol. We'll add the required discovery elements to these feeds and notify a Google-run Hub, running on App Engine, of publish events. We also convert any pings we receive into 'Hubbub events. That means for many of our publishers out there, your existing feeds are available as real-time streams right now.
- From, visit the Publicize tab for your feed. step 1: 2: select PingShot, and click the "Activate" button at the bottom of the page.
no link between "synchronizing your chrome's bookmarks" and "Google Bookmarks" service
Chrome bookmark=
Google Bookmark=
google dashboard; you can access to 30 google products @ june 2011.
This page "Dashboard" represents the data associated with this Google account.
This page "Dashboard" represents the data associated with this Google account.
Cette page "dashboard" liste toutes les appli/services de google liées à votre account.
Manage your online reputation;Google Profile has many services; google +1, plusone, google buzz, picasa web, twitter, facebook
Your profile is the way you present yourself on Google products and across the web.
With your profile, you can manage the information -such as your bio (contact, details...), and links to other sites about you or created by you- that people see.
You can also enable people to contact you without displaying your contact information.
The history of your google "+1":
(the services of +1 see:
(the services of google buzz, see:
The about item of the menu gives this window, divided in 2 parts:
left: your "about" info
right: the link (you blogger blog(s), twitter, facebook); all links are directly added when you use your google account (gmail i.e. ).
An exemple with twitter,
select google:
Friday, June 17, 2011
Twitter: How To Connect and Revoke Third-Party Applications; Se Connecter aux Applications, Programmes et Services Tiers
How To Connect and Revoke Third-Party Applications
Se Connecter aux Applications Tierces:
Se Connecter aux Applications Tierces:
MAKE YOUR OWN "Facebook APPLICATION" (FBML) or a J-Query Widget
-------------------------------two ex-amples :
1) Generate your Facebook App ID.
use FBML, Facebook Markup Language, is considered to be Facebook's own version of HTML. While many of the tags of HTML can be used in FBML, there are also important tags that cannot be used use such as HTML, HEAD and BODY. Also, Javascript cannot be used with FBML.
According to Facebook Markup Language Developer's page, FBML is now deprecated. No new features will be added to FBML and developers are recommended to develop new applications utilizing HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
(Rem. in french: En abandonnant le langage propriétaire FBML, Facebook donne plus de liberté de programmation aux administrateurs des "pages"...
2) Blogger "Follow Us" J-Query Widget:
Facebook also allows you to create your own applications and distribute them. The startup costs for developers are extremely low, and the potential is high.
To start add the developer application to your Facebook account. Then download the client library of your choice, open your favorite development environment, and you're ready to go.
After you've added the Developer Application and downloaded a client library, use these resources to learn more about building a Facebook application.
Social networking service,
Embedding Data (digital watermarking) in Digital Images with matlab; download
Download All Files 5.842 MB
Download All Files 5.842 MB
Background Lecture: | Background Lecture (1.41 MB) |
Student Project Assignment: | Student Project Assignment (26.115 KB) |
Faculty Project Description: | Faculty Project Description (328.5 KB) |
Project Report Solution: | Project Report Solution (937.785 KB) |
Summary Lecture: | Summary Lecture (3.342 MB) |
Additional Project Materials: | data_embedding_LSB.m (3.213 KB) |
Additional Project Materials: | data_embedding_SWS.m (4.504 KB) |
Additional Project Materials: | data_extraction_LSB.m (1.804 KB) |
Additional Project Materials: | data_extraction_SWS.m (2.44 KB) |
Additional Project Materials: | noise_generator.m (872 Bytes) |
medical images,
traitement d'image
posting method: is a free social networking and micro-blogging web service that enables users to post to multiple social networks simultaneously.
With you can post updates to multiple social networks and Blogger, along with all other social networks, blogging platforms and micro-blogging services that already supports, including Facebook, Twitter, Pownce, and more.
"Due to the variety and complexity of the social networks and services we support, we've created what are called posting methods. We've done this to give you optimal flexibility with your account configuration.
There are three types of posting methods; status updates, micro-blogging and blogging. The differences are simple. Status updates are messages that describe what you are doing."
When you post messages through, you are likely to occasionally post a link or two, or a bookmark. We can take those links you post and add them to your favorite social bookmarking sites.
Those of you familiar with Google Reader are probably aware of the share feature within the reader interface. You can use this share feature to update your networks with a single click.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Features of feedBurner; How to reduce Blogger feed size? RSS,blogspot
Google Feedburner distributes not only RSS or atom feeds but also rich media, such as audio or video (distributed via RSS). Feeds like this one provide updates whenever there is new content. FeedBurner makes it easy to receive content updates in popular podcatchers.
RSS (most commonly expanded as Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a "feed"or "channel") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata.
Sometime you will find a message like "Your feed filesize is larger than 576K. You need to reduce its size in order for FeedBurner to process it. Tips for controlling feed file size with Blogger can be found in Tech Tips on FeedBurner Forums, our support site" while generating your blog feeds (through FeedBurner).
FeedBurner will not process an original feed from your blog if it is greater than 512K in size and this limitation only applies to the actual size of the feed file itself (it does not include any images or media files).
To get a feed larger than 512K back down to size on Blogger, you need to add a parameter to the address for your original feed's URL.
- STEP1: Sign into your FeedBurner account.
- Under "Burn a feed right this instant" area, enter your blog URL and Click on "I am a postmaster" and "Next".
- Nowfind the feed URL for your blog. It will be two like:
- Select one and then click next. Generally you will find the above error message here.
- Here you need to add "?max-results=3".
- Now your feed will be
- Now click on "Next", you will now able to burn your feed.
- Sign in to your FeedBurner account.
- At the dashboard, click on the feed
- Now click on "Edit feed details" just below your feed name.
- In "Original feed" area, add "?max-results=3" at the last of that feed.
- Again, you can increase the number of results until you reach your maximum point.
google reader, HTML5, google gears
You can subscribe to your favorite websites, see what your "friends" are sharing.
New content comes to your Google Reader when it's posted.
Discontinuing offline access via Google Gears
Google launched offline support three years ago (2008-2010), but only a minority of Reader users actively use it today. Because supporting offline access requires a large ongoing engineering effort, and because Gears itself is being surpassed by HTML5, we've decided to remove offline support in Reader starting on June 1.
In January we shipped a new version of Google Chrome that natively supports a Database API similar to the Gears database API, workers (both local and shared, equivalent to workers and cross-origin wokers in Gears), and also new APIs like Local Storage and Web Sockets. Other facets of Gears, such as the LocalServer API and Geolocation, are also represented by similar APIs in new standards and will be included in Google Chrome shortly.
We realize there is not yet a simple, comprehensive way to take your Gears-enabled application and move it (and your entire userbase) over to a standards-based approach. We will continue to support Gears until such a migration is more feasible, but this support will be necessarily constrained in scope. We will not be investing resources in active development of new features.
How to Import Your Blog Into Facebook, blogspot, blogger; Comment importer son blog vers facebook? openID and online social networking service
How to Import Your Blog Into Facebook (by RSS).
Publicize Posts to Social Networks.
Automatically Add Blog Posts to Your Facebook Fan Page Wall.
If you want to eliminate the need for you to “re-blog” stories/post on Facebook, there are lots of apps (or plugin) that make it very easy to publish blog content to your Facebook personal wall, but we are much more interested in publishing new blog posts to our Fan Pages.
There are 2 ways:
A) by
(Notes is one of the native Facebook apps)
If in the past you posted your blog updates on your Facebook wall with the link, it is important to know that Facebook changed the way the "share link" works so if you just try to post the url as a link on your wall, you will only get the images, nothing fun.
If you use the import function on the notes, you can also post your blog, but realize that Facebook is a terrible liar and they do not ever update your feed.
B) by a facebook application (i select 2: "mirror blog" and "RSS Graffiti"
--->"mirror Blog":
Here are a 2 ways with a few steps an one application ( search the application "mirror Blog") to increase your web presence by leveraging the power of the social networking service:
1) Importing your Blog (, blogger, blogspot) into Facebook
2) importing your blog by feed (RSS / ATOM) (for the other blog platform) an universal way to get your blog to Facebook.
For, use the cool "" application.
Search this apps directly in facebook:
If you want to remove an application, select the menu "apps" and follow these 3 steps/
You can also use RSS with "mirror blog":
your blog feed (RSS) is like:
(if you don't use google feeburner,
it is:
see below settings/"site feed" to get your adress:
-->"RSS graffiti"
RSS Graffiti periodically checks the RSS/Atom feeds that you specify and posts any new entries it finds to the Facebook Walls that you specify.
You can get any feed written on any wall (Facebook Profiles, Fan Pages, Groups, Events and Application Profile Pages).
Comment importer votre blog dans facebook.
Comment lier son blog avec son facebook.
Si certains d'entre vous veulent que leurs amis Facebook soient au courant de chaque news, billets ou actualités de votre blog, justement, Facebook vous permet d’importer vos billets dans votre compte via:
Dans le champ URL, tapez le nom de votre blog (ou collez l’adresse du flux RSS de votre blog). Il ne vous manque plus qu'a cliquer sur "Démarrer l’importation"
Attendez un moments et cliquer sur "Confirmer l’importation."
Le flux sera vérifié toutes les deux heures et les nouveaux billets seront automatiquement ajoutés dans vos articles Facebook.
There is a trend for more interoperability between social networks led by technologies such as OpenID and OpenSocial.
You can find more information about OpenID and how it works at
Surprise! You may already have an OpenID. Several large organizations either issue or accept OpenIDs, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Microsoft, AOL, MySpace, Sears, Universal Music Group, France Telecom, Novell, Sun, and many more.
From google, you already have 2 OpenID (try :
1) Your Google Account (you have an account if you use “Sign in with a Google Account” button).
Publicize Posts to Social Networks.
Automatically Add Blog Posts to Your Facebook Fan Page Wall.
If you want to eliminate the need for you to “re-blog” stories/post on Facebook, there are lots of apps (or plugin) that make it very easy to publish blog content to your Facebook personal wall, but we are much more interested in publishing new blog posts to our Fan Pages.
There are 2 ways:
A) by
(Notes is one of the native Facebook apps)
If in the past you posted your blog updates on your Facebook wall with the link, it is important to know that Facebook changed the way the "share link" works so if you just try to post the url as a link on your wall, you will only get the images, nothing fun.
If you use the import function on the notes, you can also post your blog, but realize that Facebook is a terrible liar and they do not ever update your feed.
stop this import, just click on "stop importing"
B) by a facebook application (i select 2: "mirror blog" and "RSS Graffiti"
--->"mirror Blog":
Here are a 2 ways with a few steps an one application ( search the application "mirror Blog") to increase your web presence by leveraging the power of the social networking service:
1) Importing your Blog (, blogger, blogspot) into Facebook
2) importing your blog by feed (RSS / ATOM) (for the other blog platform) an universal way to get your blog to Facebook.
For, use the cool "" application.
Search this apps directly in facebook:
If you want to remove an application, select the menu "apps" and follow these 3 steps/
You can also use RSS with "mirror blog":
your blog feed (RSS) is like:
(if you don't use google feeburner,
it is:
see below settings/"site feed" to get your adress:
aand after, this window:
-->"RSS graffiti"
RSS Graffiti periodically checks the RSS/Atom feeds that you specify and posts any new entries it finds to the Facebook Walls that you specify.
You can get any feed written on any wall (Facebook Profiles, Fan Pages, Groups, Events and Application Profile Pages).
Comment importer votre blog dans facebook.
Comment lier son blog avec son facebook.
Si certains d'entre vous veulent que leurs amis Facebook soient au courant de chaque news, billets ou actualités de votre blog, justement, Facebook vous permet d’importer vos billets dans votre compte via:
Dans le champ URL, tapez le nom de votre blog (ou collez l’adresse du flux RSS de votre blog). Il ne vous manque plus qu'a cliquer sur "Démarrer l’importation"
Attendez un moments et cliquer sur "Confirmer l’importation."
Le flux sera vérifié toutes les deux heures et les nouveaux billets seront automatiquement ajoutés dans vos articles Facebook.
There is a trend for more interoperability between social networks led by technologies such as OpenID and OpenSocial.
You can find more information about OpenID and how it works at
Surprise! You may already have an OpenID. Several large organizations either issue or accept OpenIDs, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Microsoft, AOL, MySpace, Sears, Universal Music Group, France Telecom, Novell, Sun, and many more.
From google, you already have 2 OpenID (try :
1) Your Google Account (you have an account if you use “Sign in with a Google Account” button).
- See your Google Profile URL:
- For example see my OpenID:
2) Your blog URL: “”
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