3D2 | Stereo CAD-3D object format |
3DML | Flatland 3DML language |
AC3D | AC3D |
3DS ASE ASC | 3D-Studio File Format 3D Studio Max Ascii Export Format 3D Studio Ascii Format |
ALC | Alchemy III molecule file format |
AL2 | Alchemy 2000 molecule file format |
BMF | BMF by David Farrell, exported from 3dStudio by "view3ds'. |
CDF | Cyberspace Description Format |
CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile (ISO/IEC standardfor vector graphics) |
cinema4d | Cinema4d file format from "Maxon Computer" |
COB | Calgari trueSpace2 File Format |
DAE | Sony / Khronos Collada |
cube | Gaussian cube file format for volumetric data |
DF3 | Povray DF3 density (volumetric) format |
Direct-X | Microsofts answer to QuickDraw3D and OpenGL |
DMO | Duke Nukem 3D or Redneck Rampage |
DWF | Format used by AutoDesks attempt at an internet format for it's models, used by the WHIP viewer. |
DXF2000 Release 14 Release 12 Release 10 | DXF, AutoDesk/AutoCAD interchange format in the various format versions that have appeared over the years. |
Minimal 3D DXF | The minimal requirements to represent 3D geometry in DXF, useful for creating geometry for commercial packages from your own software. |
EGDR | MOLA Experiment Gridded Data Record |
FACT | From ElectricImage |
FBX | Autodesk FBX |
FFIVW | File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds |
fld | AVS Field format. |
FLT | OpenFlight format by MulitGen Inc |
GEO | Videoscape geo an early Amiga 3D animation program written by Allen Hastings. |
Geom | Geom format as used by "Stereo", an OpenGL interactive stereo pair package. |
GLF | 3D font format for the GLF library |
GOCAD | GOCAD ascii data format |
HIV | HyperChem molecular format |
HPGL | Hewlett Packard Graphics Language for platters |
hf | Hyperfun: Language for F-rep Geometric Modelling |
IGES | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification by the National Bureau of Standards |
ILDA | International Laser Display Association |
Infini3D | Infini3D internal format |
Inventor | Inventor ASCII format from SGI |
IRIT | IRIT interchange format by Gershon Elber |
LWOB Lightwave 5.x | LightWave Object File format Importing geometry into Lightwave 5.x |
MDL | From Cornell University and Indiana University |
MGF | Materials and Geometry format originally appearing as part of the Radiance package. By Greg Ward, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. |
MI | Mental Images, as used by Mental Ray, SoftImage, and others |
MOL2 | Tripos mol2 molecule format |
MovieBYU | Format from Birmingham Young University to represent polygons, originally designed for FORTRAN file IO. |
MS3D | MilkShape 3D format |
MSLD | Manchester Scene Description Language |
MTL | Lightwave / OBJ material file |
NDO | NENDO by Izware |
nff | For Eric Haines' SPD package |
nff | Neutral ASCII File Format |
enff | Extensions to Neutral File Format |
NUAGES | Format for the NUAGES software, a tool for 3D reconstruction from parallel cross-sections |
OBJ | Wavefront .obj file format specification for the Advanced Visualizer software. |
OFF | OFF format as used by the Geometry Center |
OFF | OFF format specification originally developed by WSE. |
OOGL | As used by GeomView |
PEDR | MOLA Precision Experiment Data Records from NASA |
PDB (V2.1) | Protein Data Base (Atomic Coordinate File) |
PHD | PolyHedra Database (NetLib) |
PI | Format for the polyray raytracer by Alexander Enzmann |
PLG, FIG, WLD | Virtual World formats as used in Gossamer, Rend386, and others. |
PLY | Polygon File Format also known as the Stanford Triangle Format. |
Poly | Another Polygon Format from the University of Iowa, Image Analysis Facility |
PS | Introduction to Postscript |
POVRAY (v3.6) | Scene format for the Persistence Of Vision RAYtracer (and derivatves). |
PVL | Processed VoLume (and other RAW formats) as used by the Drishti volume rendering software. |
Macperspective | Translator for this undocumented format. |
PowerFlip | Data format (SGI) |
PRT | PRT raytracer format by Kory Hamzeh |
PRT | Unigraphics "parts" file format. |
q3o | Quick3D Object File and Scene file format (.q3s) |
QuickDraw3D Primitive summary | Apple's Quickdraw 3D meta format |
radio | Radio format by Anthony D'Agostino |
RAD V3.1 RAD V2.5 ArchiCAD -> Radiance StrataStudio -> Radiance | Radiance scene description by Greg Ward. ArchiCAD to Radiance converter StrataStudio to Radiance converter |
RAW | PovRay raw triangle format |
RAY RAY summary | RayShade scene description format, a solid modelling by Craig Kolb. |
RIB | Pixar RenderMan scene description (RenderMan Interface Bytestream) |
Rotater | Macintosh interactive line and point viewer by Craig Kloeden. |
rsd | Playstation |
SAT | ACIS 3D format for viewing and transferring solid information |
SCENE | A proposed format for 3D geometry |
SCN | SCeNe format designed to replace SFF for the Rtrace ray-tracer. |
SDML Old SDML | Spatial Data Modelling Language |
SHP | ERSI Shapefile |
SLC | SLiCe format |
STL | Industry standard format for stereoLithography. |
STP | SteinLib format |
STEP | Standard for exchange of product model |
Super3D | Text export format used by the Macintosh modeller Super3D. |
SURF | Export format from 3D-XplorMath |
Tachyon | Preliminary scene format for tachyon by John E. Stone |
FORM TDDD | By Impulse's Turbo Silver for Sense8's WorldToolKit Neutral File Format specification |
tet | Format for tetrahedra, originating at the Computer Science department of Williams College. |
TIN | Triangular Irregular Network |
TM | LONI triangle surface model format to represent surface models. |
TP | TecPlot file format |
TRI | Triangle format |
U3D | Universal 3D |
UNREAL | UNREAL File Format |
V | VIVID file format by Stephen Coy |
VEF | Vertex - Edge - Face format |
Vision3D | Text format for the Macintosh Vision3D modeller |
VLA | Digistar II VLA format |
vmd | VMD - WinOSi (XOSi, MacOSi) raytacer by Michael Granz. |
vol | Paul Bourke volumetric data format |
VRI | Virtual Reality Interchange Language |
WLD | Morfit's WorldBuilder format |
WRM | World Reference Model by Multigen Inc. |
VRML V1.0 VRML 97 | The Virtual Reality Modelling Language |
WMF | Windows Metafile Format |
x3d | WEB3D consortium |
XYZ | XYZ molecular format |
YASRT | YASRT - Yet Another Simple Ray Tracer |
YAODL | SGI PowerFlip format |
[...] 3DML Flatland 3DML language AC3D AC3D 3DS ASE ASC 3D-Studio File Format 3D Studio Max Ascii Expor Troubleshooting Overview Enterprise Cluster Service ManualThis is the same as that described in [...]