Sometimes I have to put text on a path

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

moustachio.appspot: google app engine and Go (programming language); demos/examples;Go on App Engine makes it possible to deploy efficient, CPU-intensive web applications

Start with this "ex-ample":
Tutorial of Moustachio (a Go-GEA (Go google engine app)):
1)enter a log account (just an email)

2)select and upload your image (here a .png of 600KB (1:3), 650X755 pixels (0.5MPix))
(i also try a .webP (same image with high quality : a ratio of 1:18 (100KB))).

3)click to select the moustache position
click "share"

4-a)click "google buzz logo"
you get
with this window:

An error can occurs if you spend time... 

 Post successful:

clic on the image (PC: right or mac: ctrl click) and you get the local menu with these items and you can save your image on your local hard disk:
 The defaut name of the image is "vi":
 Finally the file is a .jpeg of 25KB (1:27) with the same 650X755 pixels.

you have also an URL for your image:

4-b) If you select "twitter", this Go-GEA creates this URL:

If your have been connected then you will get this window:
That's all!!!

-------------------source is an example:

Get a local copy of the appengine-go repository with this command (clone with mercurial):

When you download the SDK ( and install on your local hard disk,
in the menu demos, the source is in  go-moustachio.


---- code of (
This program requires the freetype-go and goauth2 libraries:

They should be checked out in this directory under these paths:

This is so that these packages can be imported by Moustachio:


You can do this by running these commands:

hg clone \

hg clone \

Google’s App Engine provides a reliable, scalable, easy way to build and deploy applications for the web. Over a hundred thousand apps are hosted at and custom domains using the App Engine infrastructure.
Originally written for Python apps, in 2009 the system added a Java runtime. And today (@may 2011), at Google I/O, we’re thrilled to announce that Go will be next.

You don’t even need to have Go installed beforehand because the SDK is fully self-contained. Just download the SDK, unzip it, and start coding. Moreover, the SDK’s “dev app server” means you don’t even need to run the compiler yourself; everything is delightfully automatic.

Code is deployed in source form and compiled in the cloud using the 64-bit x86 compiler (6g), making it the first true compiled language that runs on App Engine. Go on App Engine makes it possible to deploy efficient, CPU-intensive web applications.

-----------deployment of Go apps 
Today (since @may 2011), through the SDK, you’ll be able to write web apps, learn about the APIs (and the language, if it’s new to you), and run your web app locally. Once full deployment is enabled, it’ll be easy to push your app to Google’s cloud.

Please note that deployment of Go apps is currently restricted to
trusted testers only. The tool will give an error message if
you have not been listed as a trusted tester.
To become a trusted tester, sign up using this form:
We will be letting in more testers over the next few weeks as we
smooth out any issues that arise.

We are no longer accepting Trusted Tester applications (@june 2011). We hope to open the
service to the general public soon.

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