Sometimes I have to put text on a path

Friday, March 27, 2015

Three Terminal Commands to get you started (mac apple; linux; Unix)

If you’re running Mac OS X, or your favourite flavour Linux, you’re all set. Just fire up the terminal, and keep going. 

there’s a good change you’ll want to see the contents of a file from the terminal sooner or later. There’s a few commands that will do this for you. First is catcat is short for “concatenate”, and this command does more than output file contents; however, that’s what we’ll look at here. It’s as simple as passing the command a file:
However, if the file is large, the contents will all scroll past you and you’ll be left at the bottom. Granted, you can scroll back up, but that’s lame. How about using less?
Less is a much better way to inspect large files on the command line. You’ll get a screen-full of text at a time, but no more. You can move a line up or a line down with the k and j respectively, and move a window up or down with b and f. You can search for a pattern by typing /pattern. When you’re done, hit q to exit the less viewer.
Most of the commands you’ll use in a bash shell are pretty flexible, and have a lot of hidden talents. If you suspect a command might do what you want, or you just want to see some general instruction on using a command, it’s time to hit the manuals, or man pages, as they’re called. Just type man followed by the command you’re curious about.
You’ll notice that the man pages are opened in less.

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