MeshTrends VII
7th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation
July 16-19, 2009 Columbus, Ohio
Symposium Schedule

The list of speakers and titles is now availble here (pdf).
The Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation brings together a wide variety of disciplines for the exchange of technical information related to unstructured mesh generation. It is a symposium traditionally held in conjunction with the national and international computational mechanics congresses. The following is a list of previous MeshTrends symposia:
MeshTrends I | 1997 | Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting | Northwestern University |
MeshTrends II | 1999 | 5th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics | University of Colorado, Boulder |
MeshTrends III | 2001 | 6th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics | Dearborn, Michigan |
MeshTrends IV | 2003 | 7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics | Albuquerque, New Mexico |
MeshTrends V | 2006 | 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics | Los Angeles, California |
MeshTrends VI | 2007 | 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics | San Francisco, California |
Scope of Symposium
Automatic unstructured mesh generation continues to be a vital technology in computational field simulations. As computing technology continues to advance and modeling requirements become more precise, automatic mesh generation techniques must rise to fulfill ever-increasing and diverse expectations. This symposium is a forum for exploring and synthesizing many of technologies needed to develop a computational grid suitable for simulation.
All abstracts related to geometry and mesh generation for computational simulation are welcome. In this symposium we are soliciting, in particular, advancements and trends from academics and industry in the following areas:
- Hexahedral mesh generation: including theoretical foundations and new algorithms for automatic all-hex methods.
- Meshing tools and applications: including commercial meshing tools and their application to current problems in industry.
- Multiphysics meshing issues: including tools and methods for managing meshing and geometry for mutiscale, mutliphysics applications.
- Infrastructure and tools for meshing: including APIs and tools for managing and interfacing meshing tools.
- Adaptive meshing tools and applications: including tools and methods for adaptively modifying mesh and geometry based on run-time results or optimization parameters.
- Meshing and geometry for geophysics applications: including geometry and meshing technologies for subsurface modeling and simulation.
- Meshing and geometry for biomedical applications: including geometry and meshing technologies for biomedical applications.
- Geometry repair and improvement for mesh generation: including tools and methods for characterizing dirty geometry and improvement techniques for mesh generation.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts are required for the conference and will be included in the conference proceedings. A one-page abstract must be submitted electronically through the USNCCM10 website. The deadline for abstracts was Feb 28, 2009.
Once you enter the abstract submission webpage at you will be asked to create a login and password. Note the number of the Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation Symposium is 2.18.2. You will need to use that number in your abstract file name to ensure your abstract is submitted to the correct symposium (see below for more information).
The following information regarding abstract submission also appears on the abstract submission webpage.
Abstract Submission Information and Related Policies (Please read carefully)
Once submitted, your abstract will be reviewed by the organizers of your selected mini-symposium. You will receive an email notification that the abstract has been received. We anticipate that notification of your abstract acceptance or rejection will be made 30 days after the close of abstract submission as published on the conference web site. |
Paper Submission
As part of this symposium, full papers will be solicited from the accepted presentations for inclusion in a peer-reviewed special journal edition of Engineering With Computers. Publication solicitation will be based on the interest of the participating authors and the technical merit of the presentation. Invitations for paper submissions will be made following the USNCCM.
Important Dates
Abstract submission opened on USNCCM web site | October 20, 2008 |
Deadline for receipt of one-page abstracts | February 28, 2009 |
Notification of abstract acceptance | March 15, 2009 |
Deadline for early registration | May 1, 2009 |
USNCCM X technical program | July 16-19 2009 |
Symposium Organizers
Steven J. Owen, Ph.D.
Computational Modeling Sciences Department
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Phone: (505) 284-6599
Mark S. Shephard, Ph.D.
Director, Scientific Computation Research Center
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy New York, U.S.A.
Phone: (518) 276-6795
Fax: (518) 276-4886
Matthew L. Staten
Carnegie Mellon University and
Sandia National Laboratories
Additional Information
Additional information on the conference can be found at:
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