Sometimes I have to put text on a path

Friday, July 25, 2008

collection of routines MATLAB Source Codes


  1. tri_mesh_display, a program which displays a surface in 3D described as a mesh of triangles;
  2. tri_mesh_to_ply, a program which converts a TRI_MESH dataset to a dataset suitable for storage as a PLY file.


MATLAB Source Codes

This is a collection of routines for use with MATLAB.

Available software includes:
  1. args, a program which shows how to count and report command line arguments;
  2. arpack, a library which computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large sparse matrices, accessible via the built-in EIGS command;
  3. asa005 a library which evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 5;
  4. asa006 a library which computes the Cholesky factor of a positive definite symmetric matrix; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 6;
  5. asa007 a library which computes the inverse of a positive definite symmetric matrix; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 7;
  6. asa032 a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 32;
  7. asa047 a library which minimizes a scalar function of several variables using the Nelder-Mead algorithm; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 47;
  8. asa058 a library which carries out clustering of data; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 58;
  9. asa063 a library which evaluates the incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 63;
  10. asa066 a library which computes the cumulative density function of the standard normal distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 66;
  11. asa076 a library which evaluates Owen's T function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 76;
  12. asa091, a library which computes the percentage points of the Chi-square distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 91;
  13. asa103, a library which evaluates the digamma or psi function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 103;
  14. asa109 a library which inverts the incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 109;
  15. asa111 a library which evaluates the percentage points of the normal distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 111;
  16. asa113 a library which clusters data using the Banfield and Bassill transfer and swap algorithm; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 113;
  17. asa121, a library which evaluates the trigamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 121;
  18. asa136 a library which clusters data using the Hartigan and Wong algorithm; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 136;
  19. asa144 a library which randomly generates tables with given row and column sums; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 144;
  20. asa147 a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 147;
  21. asa152, a library which evaluates point and cumulative probabilities associated with the hypergeometric distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 152;
  22. asa183, a library which implements the Wichman-Hill pseudorandom number generator; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 183;
  23. asa226 a library which evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 226;
  24. asa239 a library which evaluates the incomplete Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 239;
  25. asa241, a library which computes the inverse of the normal CDF; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 241;
  26. asa243 a library which evaluates the lower tail of the noncentral Student's T distribution; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 243;
  27. asa245 a library which evaluates the logarithm of the Gamma function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 245;
  28. asa299, a library which computes the lattice points (integer coordinates) in an M-dimensional simplex; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 299;
  29. asa310 a library which evaluates the noncentral incomplete Beta function; this is Applied Statistics Algorithm 310;
  30. beta_nc, a library which evaluates the CDF of the noncentral Beta distribution;
  31. bezier_surface, a library which reads, writes, prints and manipulates the data that defines a Bezier surface;
  32. bezier_surface_display, a program which displays a Bezier surface;
  33. black_scholes, a library which implements some simple approaches to the Black-Scholes option valuation theory;
  34. blas1, a library which implements the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, level 1;
  35. blas1_c, a library which implements the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, using single precision complex arithmetic;
  36. blas1_d, a library which implements the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, using double precision real arithmetic;
  37. blas1_s, a library which implements the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, using single precision real arithmetic;
  38. blas1_z, a library which implements the Level 1 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, using double precision complex arithmetic;
  39. box_plot, a program which displays a box plot of data that consists of pairs of integers;
  40. brent a library which contains Richard Brent's routines for finding zeroes or minima of functions, without the use of derivative information.
  41. cavity_flow_display, a library which displays a single velocity field solution for the driven cavity;
  42. cavity_flow_movie, a library which animates the velocity solutions for the driven cavity;
  43. cc_display, a program which displays the points used in a 2D Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rule;
  44. ccvt_box, a program which calculates a constrained CVT for points constrained to lie in a box, with some points moved to the boundary;
  45. ccvt_reflect, a program which calculates a constrained CVT for points constrained to lie in a box, with some points "pushed" towards the boundary;
  46. cg_lab_triangles, a collection of programs associated with a computer lab assignment on computational geometry and triangles;
  47. chebyshev1_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Chebyshev type 1 quadrature rule of given order.
  48. chebyshev2_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Chebyshev type 2 quadrature rule of given order.
  49. chrpak, a library which manipulates characters and strings;
  50. claw_pix, a library which visualizes the output of of the 1D version of CLAWPACK;
  51. clawpack_plot, a library which visualizes the output of of CLAWPACK;
  52. clenshaw_curtis, a library which implements Clenshaw Curtis and Fejer quadrature;
  53. collatz, a library which computes and analyzes the Collatz sequence (or "hailstone" sequence or "3n+1 sequence");
  54. contour_sequence, a program which creates images suitable for animation from a sequence of (X,Y,U(X,Y)) data files;
  55. contour_sequence3, a program which creates images suitable for animation from one pair of X, Y files, and a sequence of U(X,Y) data files;
  56. contour_sequence4, a program which creates images suitable for animation from one XY file and a sequence of U(X,Y) data files;
  57. coordinate_search, a program which implements the coordinate search algorithm for the minimization of a scalar function of several variables.
  58. cordic, a library which computes a few special functions using the CORDIC algorithm.
  59. cvt, a library which computes an N-point Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation in M dimensions;
  60. cvt_1d_nonuniform, a program which computes an N-point Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation in 1 dimension, under a nonuniform density, and plots the evolution of the locations of the generators during the iteration;
  61. cvt_dataset a program which creates a CVT dataset;
  62. cvt_demo, a program which interactively, graphically demonstrates a CVT calculation;
  63. cvt_metric, a program which computes a CVT under a spatially varying metric;
  64. cvt_movie, a program which creates an animation of the evolution of a CVT;
  65. cvt_movie2, a program which creates a CVT movie;
  66. cvt_movie3, a program which creates a CVT movie in a region of unusual shape;
  67. cvt_movie4, a program which creates a CVT movie in a square, with a density function that drives points to the corners;
  68. cvt_movie5, a program which repeats cvt_movie3, but with hexagonal grid initialization, fixed points, and boundary projection;
  69. direction_arrows, a program which reads coordinate data from one file, velocity data from another file, and makes an arrow plot of the direction field.
  70. direction_arrows_grid, a program which reads velocity data at "scattered" points, and makes a direction vector plot on a uniform grid of user-specified density.
  71. direction_arrows_sequence, a program which reads a fixed coordinate file, and a sequence of velocity data files and makes a sequence of velocity direction arrow plots.
  72. direction_arrows_sequence2, a program which reads a sequence of coordinate and velocity data and makes a sequence of velocity direction arrow plots.
  73. direction_arrows2, a program which reads coordinate and velocity data from a single file and makes an arrow plot of the direction field.
  74. dist_plot, a program which makes contour plots of the distance function, as defined and used in Persson and Strang's distmesh code;
  75. distmesh, a library which carries out Persson and Strang's method of mesh generation;
  76. distmesh_3d, a library which constitutes the 3D subset of Persson and Strang's distmesh code;
  77. divdif, a library which constructs, evaluates and manipulates divided difference tables;
  78. dunavant, a library which defines Dunavant quadrature rules in a triangle;
  79. entrust, a library which uses trust-region methods to solve problems in scalar optimization or nonlinear least squares, by Borggaard and Cliff.
  80. faure, a library which computes the Faure M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
  81. fd1d, a program which implements a finite difference algorithm for a 1D predator-prey system;
  82. fd1d_heat, a program which implements a finite difference solution of the 1D heat equation;
  83. fd1d_plot, a program which plots solutions from the FD1D program.
  84. fekete, a library which sets up one of seven Fekete rules for interpolation or quadrature in a triangle;
  85. fem_50, a program which implements a Finite Element Method solver using about 50 lines of MATLAB code;
  86. fem_50_heat, a program which is a version of fem_50 for the time-dependent heat equation;
  87. fem_basis_t3_display, a program which displays any single basis function associated with an arbitrary linear triangle ("T3") mesh;
  88. fem_basis_t6_display, a program which displays any single basis function associated with an arbitrary quadratic triangle ("T6") mesh;
  89. fem_io, a library which reads or writes FEM files, (three text files describing a finite element model);
  90. fem_sample, a library which samples a finite element function, defined by FEM files, (three text files describing the nodes, triangles, and coefficients); at arbitrary points.
  91. fem_to_tec, a program which reads a set of FEM files, (three text files describing a finite element model), and writes a TEC filesuitable for display by TECPLOT;
  92. fem1d, a program which applies the finite element method, using piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear two point boundary value problem in 1D;
  93. fem1d_adaptive, a program which uses an adaptive mesh when applying the finite element method, with piecewise linear basis functions, to a linear two point boundary value problem in 1D;
  94. fem1d_nonlinear, a program which applies the finite element method, with piecewise linear basis functions, to a nonlinear two point boundary value problem in 1D;
  95. fem1d_pmethod, a program which applies the p-method version of the finite element method to a linear two point boundary value problem in 1D;
  96. fem2d_heat, a program which applies the finite element method for the time-dependent heat equation on a triangulated square in 2D;
  97. fem2d_poisson, a program which applies the finite element method for Poisson's equation on a triangulated square in 2D;
  98. fempack, a library which performs simple finite element computations;
  99. ffh_sparse, a program which applies the finite element method to the heat equations on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D. This is a special version of FREE_FEM_HEAT that uses MATLAB's sparse matrix features;
  100. ffns_sparse, a program which applies the finite element method to the steady incompressible Navier Stokes equations on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D. This is a special version of FREE_FEM_NAVIER_STOKES that uses MATLAB's sparse matrix features;
  101. ffp_sparse, a program which applies the finite element method to the Poisson equations on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D. This is a special version of FREE_FEM_POISSON that uses MATLAB's sparse matrix features;
  102. ffs_sparse, a program which is a finite element code for the steady incompressible Stokes equations on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D. This is a special version of FREE_FEM_STOKES that uses MATLAB's sparse matrix features;
  103. filum, a library which handles files and filenames;
  104. free_fem_heat, a program which applies the finite element method to the time dependent heat equation on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D;
  105. free_fem_navier_stokes, a program which applies the finite element method to the steady incompressible Navier Stokes equations on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D;
  106. free_fem_poisson, a program which applies the finite element method to Poisson's equation on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D;
  107. free_fem_stokes, a program which applies the finite element method for the steady incompressible Stokes equations on an arbitrary triangulated region in 2D;
  108. gegenbauer_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Gegenbauer quadrature rule of given order.
  109. gen_hermite_rule, a program which computes and writes out a generalized Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule of given order and parameter value ALPHA.
  110. gen_laguerre_rule, a program which computes and writes out a generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule of given order and parameter value ALPHA.
  111. geometry, a library which performs 2D/3D geometric calculations;
  112. geompack, a library which computes the Delaunay triangulation for a set of points in 2D;
  113. gl_display, a program which displays the points used in a 2D Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule;
  114. gm_rules, a library which defines Grundmann-Moeller quadratures rules for an M-dimensional simplex.
  115. grid, a library which computes N random points on a uniform M dimensional grid;
  116. grid_dataset, a program which creates a grid dataset;
  117. halton, a library which calculates the Halton M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
  118. halton_dataset, a program which creates N elements of an M dimensional Halton sequence and write them to a file.
  119. hammersley, a library which computes the Hammersley M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
  120. hammersley_dataset, a program which creates N elements of an M dimensional Hammersley sequence and write them to a file.
  121. hb_io, a library which reads and writes files in the Harwell Boeing sparse matrix format;
  122. hb_to_msm, a program which converts a sparse matrix stored in a Harwell Boeing file to MATLAB sparse matrix format;
  123. hcell_flow_display, a program which plots the physical data, pressures or velocities, from a run of the HCELL program;
  124. hermite_phys_product, a library which writes out a table of the integrals of products of pairs of Hermite (physicist) polynomials with a linear or exponential weight.
  125. hermite_prob_product, a library which writes out a table of the integrals of products of pairs of Hermite (probabilist) polynomials with a linear or exponential weight.
  126. hermite_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule of given order.
  127. hex_grid, a library which generates a hexagonal grid of points in the unit square or an arbitrary rectangle;
  128. hex_grid_angle, a library which defines a hexagonal grid of points in the unit square, with an arbitrary center, angle, and spacing.
  129. hex_grid_dataset, a program which creates a hexagonal grid of points in a rectangle, and write them to a file, using the hex_grid library.
  130. histogram_display, a program which makes a bar plot of a set of data stored as columns in a file; the first column is the X values, and all the other columns are Y values to be shown as a stack of bars;
  131. hot_pipe, a program which demonstrates fem_50_heat to solve a particular heat equation problem;
  132. hot_point, a program which demonstrates fem_50_heat to solve a particular heat equation problem;
  133. ihs, a library which generates the Improved Distributed Hypercube Sampling M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
  134. ihs_dataset, a program which creates an IHS dataset and writes it to a file;
  135. inout_flow_display, a library which displays a single velocity field solution for the INOUT flow;
  136. inout_flow_movie, a library which creates an animation of the velocity solutions for the INOUT cell;
  137. int_exactness, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of quadrature rules for a finite interval;
  138. int_exactness_chebyshev1, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Chebyshev type 1 quadrature rules.
  139. int_exactness_chebyshev2, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Chebyshev type 2 quadrature rules.
  140. int_exactness_gegenbauer, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Gegenbauer quadrature rules.
  141. int_exactness_gen_hermite, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of generalized Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules.
  142. int_exactness_gen_laguerre, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rules.
  143. int_exactness_hermite, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules.
  144. int_exactness_jacobi, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rules.
  145. int_exactness_laguerre, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rules.
  146. int_exactness_legendre, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of Gauss-Legendre quadrature rules.
  147. jacobi_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rule of given order.
  148. keast, a library which defines Keast quadrature rules in a tetrahedron;
  149. kelley, a library which implements iterative methods for linear and nonlinear equations, by Tim Kelley;
  150. laguerre_product, a library which writes out a table of the integrals of products of pairs of Laguerre polynomials with a linear or exponential weight.
  151. laguerre_rule, a program which computes and writes out a Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule of given order.
  152. latin_center, a library which computes N points in an M-dimensional Latin Center square;
  153. latin_edge, a library which returns N points in an M-dimensional Latin Edge square;
  154. latin_random, a library which returns N points in an M-dimensional Latin Random square;
  155. latinize, a program which adjusts N points in M dimensions to form a Latin hypercube;
  156. lcvt, a library which makes a sort of Latinized CVT (centroidal Voronoi tesselation);
  157. lcvt_dataset, a program which creates a Latinized CVT dataset;
  158. legendre_product, a library which writes out a table of the integrals of products of pairs of Legendre polynomials with a linear or exponential weight.
  159. legendre_rule, a program which writes out a Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule of given order.
  160. lemke, a library which implements Lemke's algorithm for the linear complementarity problem, by Paul Fackler and Mario Miranda.
  161. levels, a library which makes a contour plot, choosing the contour levels using random sampling.
  162. linpack, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library;
  163. linpack_bench, a program which is the LINPACK benchmark;
  164. linpack_bench_backslash, a program which is the LINPACK benchmark, using MATLAB's buildin "backslash" operator;
  165. linpack_c, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library for single precision complex arithmetic;
  166. linpack_d, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library for double precision real arithmetic;
  167. linpack_s, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library; for single precision real arithmetic;
  168. linpack_z, a library which constitutes a linear algebra library; for double precision complex arithmetic (NOTHING HERE)
  169. linplus, a library which factors/solves/multiplies matrices in a variety of formats;
  170. lorenz_demo, a program which computes and displays solutions of the Lorenz equations;
  171. machar, a library which dynamically computes the value of various machine characteristic constants;
  172. machine, a library which returns tabulated values of the constants associated with computer arithmetic
  173. matlab, examples which illustrate the use of MATLAB scripts and M-files;
  174. matlab_batch, examples which illustrate how MATLAB can be run in "batch" mode, that is, non-interactively, on a UNIX system;
  175. matlab_c, examples which illustrate how C functions can be written, compiled, and called from MATLAB using the MEX facility;
  176. matlab_f77, examples which illustrate how FORTRAN77 functions can be written, compiled, and called from MATLAB using MATLAB's mex facility;
  177. matlab_movies, examples which illustrate making movies using MATLAB;
  178. matlab_os, examples which illustrate how the system command can be used to allow MATLAB to issue commands to the computer operating system (UNIX or DOS);
  179. md is a program which carries out a molecular dynamics simulation, and is intended as a starting point for implementing an OpenMP parallel version.
  180. memory_test, a program which tests the memory available on the computer by declaring and using big vectors.
  181. mesh_bandwidth, a program which returns the geometric bandwidth associated with a mesh of elements of any order and in a space of arbitrary dimension.
  182. mgmres, a library which applies the restarted GMRES algorithm to a sparse linear system;
  183. mm_io, a library which reads and writes a Matrix Market Sparse Matrix File;
  184. msm_to_hb, a program which writes a MATLAB sparse matrix to a Harwell Boeing file;
  185. mxv, a program which compares the performance of (DO I, DO J) loops and (DO J, DO I ) loops for computing the product of an MxN matrix A and an N vector X.
  186. nast2d_contour, a program which reads a data file from NAST2D_F90 and creates a contour plot;
  187. nast2d_streak_display, a program which reads a streakline data file from NAST2D_F90 and displays an image of one time frame;
  188. nast2d_streak_movie, a program which reads a streakline data file from NAST2D_F90 and creates a movie;
  189. ncc_tetrahedron, a library which defines Newton-Cotes closed quadrature rules in a tetrahedron;
  190. ncc_triangle, a library which defines Newton-Cotes closed quadrature rules in a triangle;
  191. nco_tetrahedron, a library which defines Newton-Cotes open quadrature rules in a tetrahedron;
  192. nco_triangle, a library which defines Newton-Cotes open quadrature rules in a triangle;
  193. nelder_mead, a program which implements the Nelder-Mead algorithm for the minimization of a scalar function of several variables.
  194. nested_sequence_display, a program which displays a set of nested sequences.
  195. niederreiter2, a library which computes the Niederreiter M-dimensional quasirandom sequence, base 2;
  196. nint_exactness, a program which demonstrates how to test the polynomial exactness of a multidimensional quadrature rule;
  197. nint_exactness_tet, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule for the tetrahedron;
  198. nint_exactness_tri, a program which tests the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule for the triangle;
  199. nintlib, a library which carries out approximate integration (quadrature) in multiple dimensions;
  200. normal, a library which generates uniform pseudorandom numbers;
  201. optimal_control_1d, a program which seeks the optimal control function for a one dimensional system which is represented using the finite element formulation;
  202. owens a library which evaluates Owen's T function;
  203. pbma_io, a library which reads or writes an ASCII PBM; (Portable Bit Map) image file;
  204. pce_legendre, a program which assembles the system matrix associated with a polynomal chaos expansion of a 2D stochastic PDE, using Legendre polynomials;
  205. pgma_io, a library which reads or writes an ASCII PGM; (Portable Gray Map) image file;
  206. ply_io, a library which reads or writes a PLY file.
  207. ply_to_tri_mesh, a program which reads a PLY file, and extracts the surface mesh data as a TRI_MESH dataset.
  208. points_01_plot, a program which reads an ASCII file containing points in the unit square, and makes an Encapsulated PostScript image;
  209. points_display a program which reads a TABLE file containing the coordinates of points in 2D or 3D, and displays a plot of the points in a MATLAB graphics window;
  210. polking programs, DFIELD5 and PPLANE5, for direction fields and phase planes of differential equations;
  211. polpak a library which evaluates recursively defined polynomials and other special functions;
  212. polygonal_surface_display a program which displays a surface in 3D described as a set of polygons;
  213. power_method a library which carries out the power method for finding a dominant eigenvalue and its eigenvector.
  214. ppma_io a library which reads or writes an ASCII PPM; (Portable Pixel Map) image file;
  215. prob a library which evaluates and samples various probability density functions;
  216. product_factor, a program which creates a multidimensional quadrature rule from a product of distinct 1d quadrature rules;
  217. product_rule a program which creates a multidimensional quadrature rule from a product of identical 1d quadrature rules;
  218. profile a directory of programs which illustrate the use of the MATLAB profile utlity, which monitors the execution of a series of MATLAB commands, and then produces a performance profile report afterwards.
  219. puzzles, executable programs which solve simple puzzles;
  220. quad_mesh_display, a program which plots piecewise bilinear data associated with a quadrilateral mesh;
  221. quadrature_test a program which reads the definition of a multidimensional quadrature rule from three files, applies the rule to a number of test integrals, and prints the results.
  222. quadrule a library which defines quadrature rules for approximating an integral;
  223. quadrule_fast a library which rapidly defines certain quadrature rules for approximating an integral;
  224. quality a library which measures the dispersion of pointsets in M dimensions;
  225. random_data, a library which generates sample points for various probability density functions, geometries, and dimensions;
  226. rcm, a library which applies the reverse Cuthill McKee algorithm for reordering the nodes of a graph, and reducing the bandwidth of a corresponding sparse matrix;
  227. region_sample, a program which returns sample points from a region;
  228. sandia_rules, a library which produces a standard 1D Gauss quadrature rule of Chebyshev, Gegenbauer, generalized Hermite, generalized Laguerre, Hermite, Jacobi, Laguerre, and Legendre types.
  229. sandia_sparse, a library which can produce a multidimensional sparse grid, based on a variety of 1D quadrature rules; only isotropic grids are generated, that is, the same rule is used in each dimension, and the same maximum order is used in each dimension.
  230. satisfiability is a program which demonstrates, for a particular circuit, an exhaustive search for solutions of the circuit satisfiability problem.
  231. sde, a library which illustrates the properties of stochastic differential equations, and common algorithms for their analysis, by Desmond Higham;
  232. sequence_streak_display, a program which displays a "streak plot" of a numeric sequence;
  233. sobol, a library which generates elements of the Sobol M-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
  234. sp_level_closed, a program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on closed rules (Clenshaw-Curtis, Newton-Cotes-Closed).
  235. sp_level_open, a program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on open rules (Fejer 1, Fejer 2, Gauss-Patterson, Newton-Cotes-Open, Newton-Cotes-Open-Half).
  236. sparse, a directory of example programs which illustrate the use of MATLAB's SPARSE matrix utilities;
  237. sparse_grid_cc, a library which creates sparse grids based on Clenshaw-Curtis rules.
  238. sparse_grid_cc_dataset, a program which creates sparse grids based on Clenshaw-Curtis rules.
  239. sparse_grid_closed, a library which creates sparse grids based on closed rules (Clenshaw-Curtis, Newton-Cotes-Closed).
  240. sparse_grid_display, a program which reads a file of points on a sparse grid, displays the grid and save the image in a PNG file;
  241. sparse_grid_gl, a library which creates sparse grids based on Gauss-Legendre rules.
  242. sparse_grid_gl_dataset, a program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on Gauss-Legendre rules.
  243. sparse_grid_hermite, a library which creates sparse grids based on Gauss-Hermite rules.
  244. sparse_grid_hermite_dataset, a program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on Gauss-Hermite rules.
  245. sparse_grid_laguerre, a library which creates sparse grids based on Gauss-Laguerre rules.
  246. sparse_grid_laguerre_dataset, a program which creates a sparse grid dataset based on Gauss-Laguerrre rules.
  247. sparse_grid_open, a library which creates sparse grids based on open rules (Fejer 1, Fejer 2, Gauss-Patterson, Newton-Cotes-Open, Newton-Cotes-Open-Half).
  248. sparse_grids_display, a program which reads two files of sparse grids, displaying the first with hollow blue dots, the second with solid red dots.
  249. spinterp, a library which carries out piecewise multilinear hierarchical sparse grid interpolation, by Andreas Klimke; ACM TOMS Algorithm 847.
  250. spline, a library which interpolates and approximates via splines;
  251. stla_display, a program which displays an STLA file (ASCII stereolithography 3D graphics file);
  252. stla_io, a library which reads and writes an STLA file (ASCII stereolithography 3D graphics file);
  253. stroud, a library which implements numerical integration over M-dimensional regions, including spheres, toruses and other shapes;
  254. subpak, a library which includes many utility routines;
  255. subset, a library which ranks, unranks, and generates random subsets, combinations, permutations, and so on;
  256. sudoku, a library which handles Sudoku puzzles;
  257. sum_million, a program which sums the integers from 1 to 1,000,000, as a demonstration of how to rate a computer's speed;
  258. svd_basis, a program which applies the singular value decomposition to a collection of data vectors, extracting dominant modes;
  259. svd_demo, a program which demonstrates the calculation of the singular value decomposition and some of its properties;
  260. table_io, a library which reads and writes a simple TABLE file;
  261. table_latinize, a program which reads a TABLE file of N points in M dimensions, adjusts to form a Latin hypercube;
  262. table_merge, a program which reads a TABLE file of N points in M dimensions, removes duplicates or points that are closer than some tolerance, and writes the reduced set of points to a file.
  263. table_quality, a program which reads a TABLE file of N points in M dimensions, in the unit hypercube, and returns estimates of the quality of the point dispersion;
  264. table_read, a program which reads a TABLE file containing comment lines beginning with '#', and a matrix of data, one row per line;
  265. tcell_flow_display, a library which displays a single velocity field solution for the T cell;
  266. tcell_flow_movie, a library which creates an animation of the velocity solutions for the T cell;
  267. tcell_rom, a program which solves a reduced order model of a finite element solution of the Navier Stokes equations in a "T-Cell" flow region;
  268. tec_io, a library which reads or writes a TEC file containing finite element information;
  269. tec_to_fem, a program which reads a TEC file suitable for display by TECPLOT, extracts the information, and writes a corresponding set of FEM files, three text files describing the finite element model;
  270. templates, a library which carries out the iterative solution of linear systems;
  271. test_int_hermite, a library which implements test problems for approximate integration over an infinite interval.
  272. test_int_laguerre, a library which implements test problems for approximate integration over a semi-infinite interval.
  273. test_mat a library which defines a set of test matrices.
  274. test_matrix, a library which defines a set of test matrices and utilities, by Nick Higham;
  275. test_nint, a library which implements test problems for approximate integration (quadrature) in multiple dimensions.
  276. test_ode, a library which defines some sample ODE's for testing initial value problem solvers;
  277. test_tri_int, a library which implements test functions for integration over a triangle in 2 dimensions.
  278. test_triangulation, a library which defines test problems for triangulation;
  279. test_values, a library which returns selected values of some special functions;
  280. test_zero, a library which defines some functions f(x) suitable for testing software that solves f(x)=0;
  281. testpack a library which defines a set of test integrand functions by Alan Genz.
  282. tet_mesh a library which works with tetrahedral meshes in 3D;
  283. tet_mesh_display, a program which reads data defining a (small) tet mesh, displays a wireframe image of the nodes and edges;
  284. tet_mesh_l2q, a program which reads information about a 4-node (linear) tet mesh and creates data defining a corresponding 10-node (quadratic) tet mesh;
  285. tet_mesh_q2l, a program which reads information about a 10-node (quadratic) tet mesh and creates data defining a corresponding 4-node (linear) tet mesh;
  286. tet_mesh_quality, a program which computes various quality measures for a tet mesh of a set of nodes in 3D;
  287. tet_mesh_rcm, a program which computes the reverse Cuthill-McKee reordering for the nodes of a tet mesh that uses 4-node or 10-node tetrahedrons;
  288. tet_mesh_refine, a program which refines a tet mesh;
  289. tet_mesh_tet_neighbors, a program which reads information about a tet mesh and writes out a list of the tetrahedrons that are adjacent to a given tetrahedron;
  290. timer, examples which illustrate how to time a piece of code;
  291. timestamp, a library which prints the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp;
  292. toms178 a library which seeks the minimizer of a scalar function of several variables using the Hooke-Jeeves method;
    this is a MATLAB version of ACM TOMS algorithm 178.
  293. toms179 a library which calculates the incomplete Beta ratio;
    this is a MATLAB version of ACM TOMS algorithm 179.
  294. toms291 a library which approximates the logarithm of the Gamma function;
    this is a MATLAB version of ACM TOMS algorithm 291.
  295. tri_mesh_display, a program which displays a surface in 3D described as a mesh of triangles;
  296. tri_mesh_to_ply, a program which converts a TRI_MESH dataset to a dataset suitable for storage as a PLY file.
  297. triangulation, a library which computes the triangulation of a set of points in the plane, and to perform various operations using a triangulation;
  298. triangulation_boundary_nodes, a program which reads data defining a triangulation, determines which nodes lie on the boundary, and writes their coordinates to a file;
  299. triangulation_corner, a program which modifies triangulations in which one or more triangles have more than one boundary edge.
  300. triangulation_l2q, a program which reads information about a 3-node (linear) triangulation and creates data defining a corresponding 6-node (quadratic) triangulation;
  301. triangulation_mask, a program which reads a triangulation and calls a user-supplied routine to consider each triangle for deletion;
  302. triangulation_order1_display, a program which plots piecewise constant data associated with a triangulation;
  303. triangulation_order3_contour, a program which plots color contours of a scalar quantity evaluated at the nodes of a 3-node triangle triangulation.
  304. triangulation_order6_contour, a program which plots color contours of a scalar quantity evaluated at the nodes of a 6-node triangle triangulation.
  305. triangulation_orient, a program which ensures that the triangles in an order 3 or order 6 triangulation have positive orientation;
  306. triangulation_plot, a program which plots the nodes and elements of a triangulation;
  307. triangulation_q2l, a program which reads information about a 6-node triangulation and creates data defining a corresponding 3-node triangulation;
  308. triangulation_quality, a program which reads information about a triangulation and computes various quality measures;
  309. triangulation_rcm, a program which computes the reverse Cuthill-McKee reordering for the nodes of a triangulation that uses 3-node or 6-node triangles;
  310. triangulation_refine, a program which refines a triangulation;
  311. triangulation_triangle_neighbors, a program which reads data defining a triangulation, finds the three neighbor triangles for each triangle, and writes them to a file;
  312. tumor, a program which demonstrates a model of tumor growth;
  313. uniform, a library which computes N elements of a uniform pseudorandom sequence;
  314. uniform_dataset, a program which creates N elements of an M dimensional uniform pseudorandom sequence and writes them to a file.
  315. van_der_corput, a library which computes elements of the van der Corput 1-dimensional quasirandom sequence;
  316. van_der_corput_dataset, a program which creates N elements of a van der Corput sequence and writes them to a file.
  317. vector_magnitude_grid, a program which reads vector data at "scattered" points, computes an interpolatory function, evaluates it on a uniform grid of user-specified density, and produces a contour plot of the vector magnitude.
  318. vector_stream_grid, a program which reads vector data at "scattered" points, computes an interpolatory function, evaluates it on a uniform grid of user-specified density, and produces a streamline plot.
  319. velocity_arrows, a program which reads coordinate data and velocity data from two files and makes an arrow plot of the velocity field.
  320. velocity_arrows_grid, a program which reads node and velocity data, stored in two files, at "scattered" points, and makes a velocity vector plot on a uniform grid of user-specified density.
  321. velocity_arrows_grid_sequence2, a program which reads a single XYUV file of nodes and velocities, interpolates the data onto a smooth grid, plots the data and writes it to a PNG file, and then repeats the process for the next file.
  322. velocity_arrows_grid2, a program which reads node and velocity data, stored in one file, at "scattered" points, and makes a velocity vector plot on a uniform grid of user-specified density.
  323. velocity_arrows_sequence, a program which reads a fixed coordinate data file, and a sequence of velocity data files, and makes a sequence of velocity arrow plots.
  324. velocity_arrows_sequence2, a program which reads a single XYUV file of nodes and velocities, plots the data and writes it to a PNG file, and then repeats the process for the next file.
  325. velocity_arrows2, a program which reads coordinate and velocity data from a single file and makes an arrow plot of the velocity field.
  326. voronoi_mountains, a program which makes a "mountain plot" of a Voronoi diagram, that is, a surface plot of the distance from each point to its nearest Voronoi generator.
  327. voronoi_new, a program which is a revised version of MATLAB's voronoi command, and does a better job with the boundaries of the infinite regions;
  328. wandzura, a library which returns one of 6 Wandzura rules for quadrature in a triangle;
  329. xy_io, a library which reads and writes XY files.
  330. ziggurat, a library which samples the uniform, normal or exponential distributions, using the ziggurat method.

Last revised on 15 July 2008.

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