Sometimes I have to put text on a path

Friday, May 23, 2008

pymol macOSX

NOTE: A 3-button wheel or mighty mouse is required to use PyMOL on the Macintosh. Be sure to reconfigure your mighty-mouse to use the secondary button (right-click) and button 3 (middle-click). Tiger (OS X 10.4) is required, although some users have reported success with the final release of Panther (10.3.9).

Option 1: MacPyMOL. MacPyMOL is an Aqua-based PyMOL with a more Mac-like user interface. In addition to supporting native OpenGL rendering, its unique features include Copy-and-Paste of images and direct output of QuickTime movies.
  1. Download and uncompress macpymol-0_99rc6.tar.gz. A Universal Binary
  2. Install by copying MacPyMOL into your Applications folder (or any suitable location).
  3. Launch PyMOL by double-clicking on the MacPyMOL icon.

Option 2: PyMOLX11Hybrid. MacPyMOL now includes a hybrid X11 mode. Assuming that X11 is already installed, simply duplicate and rename the application bundle to "PyMOLX11Hybrid" and then launch (requires Tiger).

<!--Option 3: MacPyMOL for Panther. This is a backwards-compatible release for PowerPC machines running the prior release of Mac OS X.

  1. Download and uncompress macpymol-0_99rc1-panther.tar.gz.
  2. Install by copying MacPyMOL into your Applications folder (or any suitable location).
  3. Launch PyMOL by double-clicking on the MacPyMOL icon.
-->Option 3: PyMOL for Mac OS X / X11. This is the Mac equivalent of the standard Linux, IRIX, and Solaris builds of cross-platform PyMOL. It accesses OpenGL and Tcl/Tk entirely through X11 and is thus completely compatible with the standard version. Requires Mac OS X Tiger with X11 installed.
  1. Download the version appropriate for your system:

  2. Extract the archive
    tar -zxf pymol-0_99rc6-bin-macosx-ppc-x11.tgz

    to create a "pymol" directory
  3. Run the setup script from within the new directory
    cd pymol

    to create the "./pymol" launch script.
  4. Then test-launch PyMOL as

  5. Optional: copy or link "./pymol" to an appropriate location in your path.
    ln -s $PWD/pymol $HOME/bin/pymol

  6. Optional: to avoid having to click twice when moving the mouse between windows, issue
    defaults write wm_click_through -bool true

    and then restart the X-server.

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